Monday, April 9

My Personal Resurrection and Emotional Vampires

    Good morning everyone,

How are you? As always, take what you like and leave the rest.

    What a lovely day yesterday was. Seeing many dress up for the Easter holiday as they attended church was a nice change of routine. I took time today to reflect upon the significance of this day. I spent it with loved ones and am glad for it.  It's amazing how holidays can evolve with time.
My Gratitudes for Today.
1. The message of Easter. Nope, it's not about
Easter bunnies. Sorry.
2. Like Easter, I celebrate personally knowing an emotional and spiritual resurrection birthed from deathly, dark moments. I'm grateful I now luxuriate in joy, hope, vibrancy and excitement for this life of mine. Several years ago, that wasn't the case.
3. For appreciating the fact I didn't stay emotionally or situationally stuck, when I experienced abuse. As a young man, I was stuck, mired in despair.  Now, I'm thankful for living by principles (and here, too) that allow me to transcend difficult circumstances, people and emotions.
4. I'm thankful for not being a moth, drawn to the flame of unhealthy people---individuals who would consume my emotional strength, if I let them.

     The scarey thing is that these people smell us through lead. Yes, lead.  That's how dangerous they are.  The good thing is that recovery is also apparent to others. Those who once mistreated me now leave me alone.

     We do not reflect our personal strength through words or behavior.  We reflect it, or the lack of it, with every breath we take, by how we stand, hold our shoulders, how we smile, among other means.
One source of gratitude: staying away from emotional vampires!
5. I'm glad I detect emotional bullies, manipulators, narcissists and non-mutual friends for who they are: emotional vampires, even if they smile and use charm when addressing me.

      It was no fun explaining to others puncture wounds on my neck---psychological hickeys.  I'm delighted that I no longer wear high collars. Which makes me thankful for.... the next gratitude.
6. I'm thankful for character discernment. It allows me to delight in relationships with people who have my back, who love me unconditionally and provide support, when needed. Discernment allows me to not accept unacceptable behavior.
7. I'm thankful for my voice. As a child I wasn't allowed to express it. It was suppressed. I'm glad that I'm able to say what I mean, mean what I say but not say it meanly.
8. I rejoice in the value of exercise.
      It is an amazing stress reducer. I sleep better, feel better and I contribute to my overall health when exerting this body. Riding my bike has been fantastic. I still have scars on my knees and hands from a recent tumble. That's okay.
    Soon, I'll start running, perhaps this week. I'm speaking it to you, my friends. I find I accomplish more when I let my intentions be known to the world.
9. I love community. In-depth conversations, interacting, caring for one another, floats my boat. I enjoy these qualities here. Yep, I do. But more importantly, I know it with real time, with in-the-flesh friends. I even play chess, share meals, listen to live music, go hiking, biking and walking with them. I'm a lucky innkeeper.
How About You?
1. What characterological resurrections have you experienced in your life?
2. What helps to get you out of being stuck? Any principles or actions you take, that make it easier for you to move out of the morass of difficult moments?  Please share.
3. Who have been the emotional vampires in your life?
4. What are qualities you like in your personal community? I'm always open for ways to deepen mine.


Optimistic Existentialist said...

Pablo this post was very apropos for Easter. I like the concept of an "emotional resurrection" and I also love the "moth-flame" analogy. I am working on a personal resurrection as well so this post resonated with me. Keep up the great work sir.

Pablo said...


The pleasure has been mine. My world continues to expand. I really liked what you wrote yesterday and I'm enjoying visiting some of the blogs you have linked at your place.

It's heartening discovering so many wonderful people.

Regarding your emotional resurrection, you have my support. If you'd like to talk privately, we could use e-mail. Just an idea.

Here's to us each having a terrific week, one that meets our need for hope, strength and vibrant living.

Wishing you the best,
The Innkeeper

Marina said...

Hi Pablo,
thank you for your lovely comment; you made my day! I am glad we "met" this way (thanks to Keith). I really like your Inn. I used to write down five things to be grateful for every night - haven't done that in a while, though I occasionally post a list on my blog.
Only yesterday I was talking to someone about emotional vampires, so your post is very timely. Looking forward to reading more,

Zeba said...

This was a nice reader.

Vanessa Higgins said...

You are a beautiful man. It takes so much courage to share these thoughts to the world. Wow.

I have been through a life-altering shift recently and all these feelings and experiences from childhood flew out of the darkness and out into the light. I had no idea how many feelings I had repressed.

I have a ways to go until I will be reborn, but my cocoon is a comfy place to be for the time being and I am soaking up all kinds of great insight on the journey.

Thanks for your post. HAPPY EASTER!

Pablo said...

Hi Marina,

What would we do without Keith? :)

I find it interesting the connection between your love for water, especially the ocean, and your name. No accident, there.

I love water, too. I live on a smaller island than Ireland: 5x10.5 km. It's in the San Francisco Bay. It is 30 minutes from that lovely city.

Thank you for visiting my inn. I'm glad you were encouraged when I visited your place. It was a pleasant discovery, when I dropped by.

It sounds like you enjoy the positivity that exudes from this inn. You are adding to it. In your comments, there are at least four gratitudes. That what this place is all about, you are doing it effortlessly.

And you made a happy innkeeper.

I wish you inspiration and joyful times while you are immersed in your art.I look forward to hearing from you again. You add a perspective I don't have: yours.

The Innkeeper

Pablo said...

Thank you Zeba.

Welcome to the inn. Let me know what tea you prefer. I hope you like the chocolates left on your pillow.

I look forward to your visits.

The Innkeeper

Pablo said...


Thank you for your comments. It looks like the $100.00 I sent you was enough to prompt your praise. :)

Seriously, I learned years ago that it takes a strong person to be gentle. Anyone can confine themselves within a hard exterior. It requires trust and courage to allow ourselves to be vulnerable---at any moment the other person with whom we are being vulnerable could stomp on us.

The key, I've discovered, is trusty old character discernment. I don't open myself to just anyone. Nope. No can do. I've learned the hard way. And stupid doesn't feel good. :) LOL!

Thank you Vanessa, for the authenticity in your comment. You are a lucky gal. Doesn't it feel good when we are in tune with our feelings?

One of my favorite posts was when I shared the value of listening to the reptilian parts of us. Here's the link, if interested:

I really like your honesty and how you are present with yourself---great qualities. You are at a good place. Awareness is key, and that's where you are. We can't do anything until we first see the issue. It's 80% of solving the problem, really. (Ask me next time what are the other two parts consisting of 18 and 2%.)

I'm really enjoy you dropping by. I'm happier getting to know you.

Quotes from the Posts

"I'm mindful that our thoughts affect the words we use, our words influence our actions, our actions shape our character and our character determines our destiny."

From "My Character Determines My Destiny." To read it, please click here.

"Progress not perfection, is better than no progress at all, especially when we're trying to rid ourselves from unwelcome dragons that dwell within the closets of our soul."

From, "Still Learning" which, within four days, became the most popular post
written. To read it, please click here.

"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its trouble, but it does empty today of its strength"
From the post: "Life Is Not a Correspondence Program." Click here to read it.

"Even though we cannot control our circumstances, we can control how we choose to respond to them."

From, "Handling Stress and Dealing With an Emotional Bully."Click here to read this post.

"Nope, being busy isn't exciting. Boring is good. Because boring is not boring; boring is being healthy, living a balanced life that has serenity"

From: "Do You Know What It Means If You Are Too Busy?" For more, please click here.
