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You'll notice my knees are not shaking. |
Like an airplane, is your attitude nose up, climbing? Or is it nose down, head-ing for a crash?
Mine? You know the answer. Hopefully, it's a reason why you drop by. The thing is, our disposition can be positive----even when times are dire.
We can delight in peace of mind that transcends our cir-cumstances.
During tough times, we can fly using the instrument panel of healthy principles. It's best being guided by the rudder of a loving God. We set a stronger course in life when enjoying dynamic, positive, discerning, friends.
Having a sense of humor during difficult times improves our attitude. Life also flies smoothly when we are free from emotional vampires. We avoid them.
Growth: Moving Beyond Knowledge
How can we have a smoother, satisfying life?
By consuming information slowly. We are careful about what and how much we feed our mind. Like eating food, it's best digesting what we learn, slowly.
It takes time for our brain to signal the stomach of our comprehension. After an hour of study, we usually have enough meaty information requi-ring exercise--- ap-plication. Living what we learn pre-vents us from being mentally fat.
Gobbling food causes indigestion. It contributes to packing more pounds than needed on our mortal coil. The same with learning.
Personal growth is not stuffing our head with ideas. It is more than how many pages read at a sitting. It's about three things. Ap-plying, applying and applying.
This is how unhelpful youthful patterns are overcome. This requi-res effort.
Schools teach us incorrectly. Learn-ing is not acquiring information. Wisdom is using what we study. Otherwise, what is the point?
Changing Familial Legacies
Overcoming Ingrained Characterological Patterns
Books are not given to increase our knowledge, but improve to our lives. Application accelerates personal growth. Ruminating upon what we learn, practicing it, internalizing it is better than storing informa-tion.
When difficulties arise, antidotes help us triumph over to-day's or tomorrow's looming difficulties.
Catastrophizing doesn't help. Staying in the solution, tak-ing action with pro-ductive alternatives is far better than panicking. Life is smoother when also drawing from our supportive network. This is far better than isola-ting.
Support from my Comfort Circle of friends who have EQ is the bug spray that wards off the gnats of life's irritations. Without connecting with others, we suffer from the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Our joy decays.
Freaking out only makes problems worse, more disturbing. Fear informs us we want to use recovery. We want grace balancing any negativity we perceive.
It is better, re-sponding, not reacting. It's easy condemning our-selves. Many of us grew up with con-stant judgment. Without recovery, it is easy using our default mode---allowing the fearful child within to fly the plane of our lives.
A bad idea.
The Instrument Panel of Healthy Principles
Being mindful of healthy principles, and living by them, allow the airplane of our life to fly straight, calmly, preventing our daily experi-ences from crashing into the sea of despair.
Specific Dials On the Instrument Panel, You Ask?"If thy law [or healthy prin-ciples] had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction." Psalms 119:92
You want to know specific principles that help? Okay. Here's one:
Another you ask? All right. How about this:"When the applause of others is the reason for my behavior and necessary for me to feel satisfied, then I have given them power over me."
You are persistent. I hear you asking for more. You are gobbling up these principles like potato chips, although they are healthier."I block my well-being each time I base my self-worth on what I do or what others think of me."
Fine. Here's another principle that provides serenity:
"Condemning my imperfections has never enhanced my appreciation of life or helped me to love myself more."
You want more? Here's a final one:
If you use the instrument panel of principles like these, you'll fly straighter. The buffeting storms of life will not throw you off course. You will arrive at a life filled with more serenity, emotional ease, and joy."If you feel like a doormat, you need to get up off the floor."
Happy flying.
How About You?
Are you nose up or nose down? Please share what state your attitude is in, and why.
On this Thursday night, I am grateful for;
1. An energizing six-mile bike ride yesterday on a balmy, temperate summer afternoon.
2. The guidance of my mentor last night on how to avoid care-taking, as I slowly go about making a searching and fearless moral inventory.
3. The profound atmosphere of trust (which has been nurtured over time) during our weekly circle of fellowship last night. I was moved and in awe of the multitude of personal stories of challenge, strength and hope shared with such vulnerability and candor. All lingered for some time connecting and basking in the afterglow of hope.
Tell me, please, what can a person do to avoid care-taking? Your gratitudes get better with every week. What needs of yours are met when you attend this group? How has this group affected your perspective?
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