Friday, June 24

Questions from the Innkeeper. I'd love hearing your answers. ..........6/24/11

      Hi everyone, how are you?

I'm enjoying the delightful California weather, over here, in the Bay Area. It's 68 degrees, with a slight breeze. Tonight, Stuart, a friend of mine and my middle son and I will get together with some other friends. It will be a terrific cap to an amazingly good week.

      For those who may not have noticed, I've added another feature to this inn. You might want to check out the About the Author portion of this blog if you want to know more about me.
It's in that tab in the upper right corner.

      May I ask you to express your vote in the survey you will find, down below,  to your right? I'd love hearing your voice about this matter. How you be? I enjoy all the comments from all of you. Hearing them adds to the celebration of life, yours and mine.

Cynthia, thanks for your comments. I'm sure we'll have a chance to visit, soon.
John, how are you? I appreciate the comments you posted the other day. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Keep the faith, you're going in the right direction.
Kelly, thanks for the gratitudes you've shared here. I value your consistency in doing so, when you drop by. I hope to hear from you soon.
Lisa, are you still out there?When will you be back in the Bay Area? I'd love visiting with you and your family.
Phyllis, I enjoyed your recent letter. You'll have mail, soon. How's the hot weather on the Right Coast treating you?
Toni, welcome to this inn! I like your enthusiasm, as you're learning tools and skills that allow you to enjoy the dignity, serenity and tranquility you seek.

My gratitudes for today:

1. I'm thankful for knowing God's love.
2. I was happy to see there were 12 views coming from Russia, yesterday. There have been an increasing number from the land of Oz, that's good too.
3. I totally enjoy conversing with my sons, now that they are adults. It was joy seeing them grow from munchkins to adulthood.  Heart-warming moments and memories, we shared, that I'll cherish forever. But, it's even better, now. The talks and times we spend are a father's dreams coming true. It is truly God's work alone, that's made this possible.

Image:  Cumbria: Buttermere View  by Tim Blessed © all rights reserved, used by permission

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Quotes from the Posts

"I'm mindful that our thoughts affect the words we use, our words influence our actions, our actions shape our character and our character determines our destiny."

From "My Character Determines My Destiny." To read it, please click here.

"Progress not perfection, is better than no progress at all, especially when we're trying to rid ourselves from unwelcome dragons that dwell within the closets of our soul."

From, "Still Learning" which, within four days, became the most popular post
written. To read it, please click here.

"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its trouble, but it does empty today of its strength"
From the post: "Life Is Not a Correspondence Program." Click here to read it.

"Even though we cannot control our circumstances, we can control how we choose to respond to them."

From, "Handling Stress and Dealing With an Emotional Bully."Click here to read this post.

"Nope, being busy isn't exciting. Boring is good. Because boring is not boring; boring is being healthy, living a balanced life that has serenity"

From: "Do You Know What It Means If You Are Too Busy?" For more, please click here.
