Monday, November 5

The Three P's, Progress, Not Perfection: Antidote for Stress 11/5/12

      Hi there,
I'm bumping this up.  Many suffer from depression and look for counseling. If they applied what's posted below, they'd find relief for much of their mental stress.  Please let me know your thoughts. I wrote this last year, in March.  Here it is:
      It's encouraging hearing from you. Thanks for dropping by, where we share our Attitude of Gratitude This is where we
rejuvenate our hearts through praise. May you experience God's blessing as your heart is lifted up with thoughts that resonate with positivity.  You're investing in yourself when you post.  
          It makes my day seeing people interested in developing greater discernment in their relationships. It's heartening witnessing others delighting in this great big life God wants us to enjoy.
          Have you heard of the three P's?  They are perfectionism, procrastination and paralysis; they are related to each other, progressive and they go from bad to worse
          So, it's actually regression.  Perfectionism usually leads to procrastinating.  If I do enough of that, I become paralyzed.  This happens when my principles are overrun by the vulnerable areas of my personality, areas like fear, anxiety, resentment----you get the picture.  I find the following helpful:
I have yet to meet an absolute perfectionist whose life was filled with inner peace. The need for perfection and the desire for inner tranquility conflict with each other. Whenever we're attached to having something a certain way,better than it already is, we are, almost by definitionengaged in a losing battle.  Rather than being content and grateful for what we have, we are focused on what's wrong with something and our need to fix it.  When we are zeroed in on what's wrong it implies that we are dissatisfied, discontent.
Whether it's related to ourselves---a disorganized closet, a scratch on the car, an imperfect accomplishment, a few pounds we would like to lose---or someone else's imperfections------the way someone looks, behaves, or lives their life--- the very act of focusing on imperfection pulls us away from our goal of being kind and gentle. This strategy has nothing to do with ceasing to do your very best, but with being overly attached and focused on whais wrong with life.
                          Richard Carlson,  Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
        I thank all who post.  I love hearing what's going on in your lives.  Communicating, fellowship and celebrating life is good for everyone's soul.   Keep looking up.
Related Post:
My Gratitudes for Monday 11/6/12
1.  I rested today. This is a day I usually take off from work.
2.  I rode my bike today----I love it, when I do.
3.  I met with friends tonight. It was good being with them. I enjoy the fellowship we shared.
4.  I'm the keynote speaker at an event on the 17th of this month. Those who live nearby are welcome to attend. I'll speak on overcoming challenges. I enjoy speaking before an audience.
5. I'm creating a FaceBook account for my business.
6. My business is incorporating as a non-profit.
7. I look forward to working with an intern, later this week.
8. I visited with my oldest son, earlier in the evening. He gave me great ideas that will help me with my business.
9. I didn't lose anything today.  :->  (You can read yesterday's post here.)
10. I have greater clarity about my priorities, the result of my conversation with with Pablo Jr. (See yesterday's post.)
11. My public speaking will be increasing over the next few months. Topics will be: overcoming depression, self-loathing and anger. I enjoy interacting with others and sharing with them the results of my research, experience, strength and hope.


Optimistic Existentialist said...

"Perfectionism usually leads to procrastinating"...what an interesting take! You always make me think Pablo.

Pablo said...


Glad to hear this inn stimulates your noggin!

Good to see you. I hope you had enough blankets last night---it was pretty cold. :-> Wishing you a terrific Tuesday.

Carl H said...

Tonight I am grateful for;

1. Sowing seeds for a client-issue resolution this morning with my boss.

2. An early dinner and rich, meaningful, 3 + hour discussion with friends.

3. The rain we need to make our brown hills green again.

4. The chance to retire early tonight.

Pablo said...


Thank you for sharing what makes your heart sing. I hope there was a good outcome to your meeting with your boss.

I'm in agreement with you, I really enjoy the hills turning green after it rains! I'm wishing you a special time with your wife and friends this weekend.

The Innkeeper

Quotes from the Posts

"I'm mindful that our thoughts affect the words we use, our words influence our actions, our actions shape our character and our character determines our destiny."

From "My Character Determines My Destiny." To read it, please click here.

"Progress not perfection, is better than no progress at all, especially when we're trying to rid ourselves from unwelcome dragons that dwell within the closets of our soul."

From, "Still Learning" which, within four days, became the most popular post
written. To read it, please click here.

"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its trouble, but it does empty today of its strength"
From the post: "Life Is Not a Correspondence Program." Click here to read it.

"Even though we cannot control our circumstances, we can control how we choose to respond to them."

From, "Handling Stress and Dealing With an Emotional Bully."Click here to read this post.

"Nope, being busy isn't exciting. Boring is good. Because boring is not boring; boring is being healthy, living a balanced life that has serenity"

From: "Do You Know What It Means If You Are Too Busy?" For more, please click here.
