Saturday, April 12

Time With Family. Growing,Getting Lessoned, Not Lessened .......... 4/12/14

      I was tired all day, beginning when I awoke today.  My work depletes me, physically and emotionally, if I do not discharge the stress inherent in it.  In addition, I worked this afternoon, which has not happened in a long while.  On top of that I went to bed at 4:00 a.m., Friday, rising at 7:00 a.m.
      Today I reaped what I have sown, in terms of punishing my
body.  I'll get back to the story about Charles, when I'm not weary, like I am tonight.
My Gratitudes:
1.  Material written two weeks ago about relating and being present, not controlling, is popular with clients.  They are using it in their relationships, finding greater intimacy and authenticity.  Single clients are finding it allows deeper, more satisfying connections with others.
2.  Loose, practical ends are being tied together, creating greater peace of mind.
3.  I saw a movie this evening, in Berkeley, made possible because I am driving a car, after a twenty-five month pause.  I'm glad I took in something diverting and rested.
4.  I wrote letters on this seventh day.  It is healthy, expressing my voice, doing so with kindness.  Tactfulness is knowing how to make a point without making an enemy.

Time With Family 
      I was with my oldest son for more than six hours, Friday.  Such occasions nurtures me.  And it matures me too, when with this wise son.

      We cycled along the quarry lakes in Fremont, where I grew up: Niles.  We visited while cycling, taking in the blustery weather, riding until it was dark. Discovering parts of the town near where he lives.

      At one point, we rode between railroad tracks.  Don't worry, it is not an active rail line.  If a train had arrived, I gladly would have left my bike.  I prefer sticking around for several more decades.

     I drove my car there, the farthest I've traveled in 25 months.

     Afterwards we ate at a Thai restaurant, having a conversation I loved.  I supported him regarding his work, listening to him, at length.

     We followed up the meal with a visit to a cafe.  There, I shared what was alive within me, relationally.  Several times he said things that were beyond my comprehension.  I love that. I enjoy being challenged.  An opportunity to grow.

     Instead of pretending I understood, I asked him to elaborate on what his comments, explaining his ideas.   He did.  I grew.  My perspective is limited. I welcome taking in his larger perspective about a matter.

5.   My son is a no nonsense business man.  I appreciate how he is a great counterpart to his more intuitive, feeling-oriented dad.

 6.  Gradually, I am using today's technology to grow my business and better serve my clients. All thanks to this same son.  He is a millennial. They handle computer issues like breathing.

How About You?
How have you been growing? 

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Quotes from the Posts

"I'm mindful that our thoughts affect the words we use, our words influence our actions, our actions shape our character and our character determines our destiny."

From "My Character Determines My Destiny." To read it, please click here.

"Progress not perfection, is better than no progress at all, especially when we're trying to rid ourselves from unwelcome dragons that dwell within the closets of our soul."

From, "Still Learning" which, within four days, became the most popular post
written. To read it, please click here.

"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its trouble, but it does empty today of its strength"
From the post: "Life Is Not a Correspondence Program." Click here to read it.

"Even though we cannot control our circumstances, we can control how we choose to respond to them."

From, "Handling Stress and Dealing With an Emotional Bully."Click here to read this post.

"Nope, being busy isn't exciting. Boring is good. Because boring is not boring; boring is being healthy, living a balanced life that has serenity"

From: "Do You Know What It Means If You Are Too Busy?" For more, please click here.
