Thursday, August 18

A Grateful Innkeeper

“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”
G.K. Chesterton

   Good evening,

My Gratitudes for this Day:

1. I gathered with others today, thrice. Once in Corte Madera, also San Lorenzo and Alameda. My brain is on overload. I'll be sleeping shortly. I can't wait.
2. We're getting many Silent Readers. Thanks for resting here in the inn. In the past month my readership has more than tripled. I enjoy meeting the needs of others. I aim to please. You please this innkeeper when you share your gratitudes.
Let me hear from you.  Please.
3. I got a new book in the mail today. I'm thrilled. I read it, in-between today's commutes. I enjoy  growing; this book will help me develop my professional skills. It's a book I'm familiar with and had for many years. I lost it, it's great getting a new copy.
4. I met with an editor today. We'll see what impact it'll have on my writing.
5. I spoke twice today, I enjoy doing so, I'm happy those who heard me were encouraged to be gentler towards themselves.
6. Today, in the midst of everything, I met with two people that I mentor. It's great seeing their progress. I'm proud of the hard work they are applying as they grow stronger, characterologically.
7. I related with a dominating personality. It was humorous seeing her try manipulating me. I'm soft-spoken but I hold my ground well, as she learned today.
8.Someone wanted me to work for her, for free. I said no, but I suggested we can perhaps have a bartering relationship. I don't give away my work, at no cost.
9. I enjoy the opportunity I have to write as the innkeeper of this inn. Professionally, I'm a speaker, teacher, consultant, trainer. This blog helps me develop my writing. Writing is a different animal than presenting a talk.  
     I've shared my gratitudes. Would it be possible for me to here yours? That would be terrific..

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Quotes from the Posts

"I'm mindful that our thoughts affect the words we use, our words influence our actions, our actions shape our character and our character determines our destiny."

From "My Character Determines My Destiny." To read it, please click here.

"Progress not perfection, is better than no progress at all, especially when we're trying to rid ourselves from unwelcome dragons that dwell within the closets of our soul."

From, "Still Learning" which, within four days, became the most popular post
written. To read it, please click here.

"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its trouble, but it does empty today of its strength"
From the post: "Life Is Not a Correspondence Program." Click here to read it.

"Even though we cannot control our circumstances, we can control how we choose to respond to them."

From, "Handling Stress and Dealing With an Emotional Bully."Click here to read this post.

"Nope, being busy isn't exciting. Boring is good. Because boring is not boring; boring is being healthy, living a balanced life that has serenity"

From: "Do You Know What It Means If You Are Too Busy?" For more, please click here.
