Thursday, April 28

A Spiritual Awakening, Part II. What It Looks Like, and Balcony People: We Need Them If We Want to Thrive ....................4/28/11

      How was your day? Today's topic, a Spiritual Awakening follows these gratitudes.
My Gratitudes for Thursday:

1. I'm thankful I was inspired to tackle unpleasant tasks Wednesday. I made twelve business-related  phone calls that were intense and emotionally draining.  I prefer tranquility and serenity. Afterwards, I was worn out. That night, I went to bed, early.  I'm glad I exercised perseverance; the actions I took yesterday met my need for support and effectiveness.

2. I'm grateful for books. I know that reading reduces the chance of getting dementia,
when I'm older. We fire the neurons and dendrites in our brain when we read. This doesn't happen much when we watch TV or DVDs-----they put our minds in a more passive mode---they do the imagining for us. Studying allows me to grow as a person.

3. I look forward to speaking tomorrow about  having a spiritual awakening. I'll share what it looks like, when we have it. Below are some of the things I'll mention. When I speak I'll use additional illustrations, humor, quotations, along with practical applications, not included in what I've written below.

Some Characteristics of a Spiritual Awakening:
     I.  Instead of obsession or constant crisis, we enjoy more inner peace.
     We realize the futility of trying to control others.The only person we have control over---and even here we are less than successful---is ourselves. My choices are the only thing I can control. It isn't my job to determine what is acceptable for others. Most importantly, we lay aside self-will and realize our need for a personal relationship with God.
     II.  We have less interest in judging others and ourselves.

"Condemning my imperfections has never enhanced my ap-
    preciation of life nor has it helped me to love myself more."

     III.  We act spontaneously instead of operating by fearful control.
     What a relief it is regain the playfulness God intends for us to enjoy. Even as adults it's critical to play, and have fun and celebrate life. For many, this is hard to do----abuse from the past leaves deeply rooted scars.  As children, some were four years old, going on forty. Alcohol, sexual, emotional, verbal or drug abuse in the family affects everyone. Abuse prevents a child from being a child.
     IV.  Moments of appreciation for little things happen more frequently.
     One of life's gifts is when we can stay in the moment and treasure the gifts God bestows upon us in a given day: the laughter of child, a smile from a stranger, experiencing an unexpected kind deed, seeing a flock of birds soaring in the sky, are little kisses from God that can be overlooked, if we allow our circumstances to overwhelm us. We won't have time or the mental space needed in order to luxuriate in them.
     V.  We find ourselves relaxing and going with the flow.

"Peace comes not from the absence of con-
flict, but from our ability to cope with it."

         It's easier to relax when we realize that there is only one God, and we are not Him.When I worry, I'm dwelling on the future and I have a problem with trust. When I have resentments and bitterness, I focusing on the past and have a problem with forgiveness. In each case I'm not where I am, in the present. All I have is now. When I rely upon God's strength I'm able to stay grounded. I'm able to maximize my use of today. I don't have thoughts weighing me down, hindering what I can accomplish today.

    VI. We Draw Strength from Spiritual Disciplines.
           We enjoy making time, daily, to pray, meditate, trying to increase our conscious contact with God,  We pray for knowledge of God's Will and the power to carry it out. For other spiritual disciplines, you might want to take a look at the post, "Getting Through the Day."

Balcony People
      What a gift it has been, experiencing a larger, supportive family, as time has gone by. I not only have a flesh-and-blood family, but an expanded family due to others who've become a part of my life and are my Balcony People. These are dear ones who love and accept me unconditionally, they are in the grandstands of my life, cheering me on, as I run the marathon of life.
     Most of you readers know the routine in this inn.  Would it be possible for you to please share three things which prompt gratitude?  I trust that those posted here remind us that there are many things that can stir us to express thankfulness. Hearing your gratitudes, I like. It provides fellowship. Celebrating your joys with you makes this guy a happy innkeeper.


Kelly said...

It certainly sounds like you have been busy!

I am grateful I have never had to make 12 business calls in one day. I am grateful that my father fixed my car, replacing my alternator and battery without financial difficulty since they were both under warranty. I'm grateful I have things to be grateful for (that one is a bit of a cop out, I know).

Have a good weekend, Paul.

Pablo said...

Good morning, Kelly!

Good to see you. Was the quote I posted at your place the one that's been going through your mind??

Good stuff, you're sharing. I enjoy seeing you exercise your gratitude muscles.

"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." Proverbs 23:7

I'm grateful you regularly express your thanks in this inn. Remember you are not alone. Who who could be the Balcony People in your life? They cannot be critics. (I know someone who you can ask to be one of yours---Syd.) Those I help, I ask to come up with five and formally ask the people if they would be such people in their lives. There's an understanding we need to have with our Balcony People. Perhaps I'll share about that, another time.

I'll have time to write this weekend and work. By the way, where do you live, if I may ask?

cindyR said...

Good Afternoon! What a beautiful day here in Indiana. I had the day off today, so I caught up on projects around the house. I am trying to make Greek Yogurt. It's one of my new favorite foods! It seems easy, so I'll see.
Gratitude's for today:
1. I had a great workout mowing my lawn today! the fresh air and sunshine just makes me happy!
2. Being content with who I am and what I have. I am truly blessed.
3. I finished a 15 week Perspectives Course. I learned how God is moving in the world among unreached people groups. Very interesting and challenging!
4. I am excitedly counting the days until my youngest son's wedding! May 21, 2011 is just around the corner!
5. My family was able to celebrate my FIL's 93'rd birthday! We took him out for dinner and had the usual cake and ice cream!


Pablo said...


Welcome back! Good afternoon to you. I'm happy hearing you're staying healthy. It must thrill your heart seeing your son move into a new season in his life. I know you're glad he's marrying a terrific woman.

The lamb cake you made for Easter looked amazing!

I'm glad you're enjoying the blessings that a family can bring. Thanks for sharing your gratitudes!

Quotes from the Posts

"I'm mindful that our thoughts affect the words we use, our words influence our actions, our actions shape our character and our character determines our destiny."

From "My Character Determines My Destiny." To read it, please click here.

"Progress not perfection, is better than no progress at all, especially when we're trying to rid ourselves from unwelcome dragons that dwell within the closets of our soul."

From, "Still Learning" which, within four days, became the most popular post
written. To read it, please click here.

"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its trouble, but it does empty today of its strength"
From the post: "Life Is Not a Correspondence Program." Click here to read it.

"Even though we cannot control our circumstances, we can control how we choose to respond to them."

From, "Handling Stress and Dealing With an Emotional Bully."Click here to read this post.

"Nope, being busy isn't exciting. Boring is good. Because boring is not boring; boring is being healthy, living a balanced life that has serenity"

From: "Do You Know What It Means If You Are Too Busy?" For more, please click here.
