Saturday, December 17

Knowing My Priorities, Freeing up My Time, Taking Care of Self


The innkeeper was not able to enter the inn until Sunday afternoon. When I did,  my computer crashed, erasing what I wrote. Ugh!  It's frustrating when this happens and it has happened three times with this post. But, if this is my biggest problem, life is treating me well, I'm a fortunate man.

       When I come home from work, I sometimes take a tunnel in Oakland that scoots under the bay waters, bringing me to the island city of Alameda. If I'm returning from the North, I make a sharp right turn into the cavern.  Last week my eye spied upon a sad sight, while doing so.

      On the left side of the road, while making the hairpin turn, a long horizontal banner screamed at the corner of my eye.  It thanked vehicular passersby for "Your random acts of kindness."  Behind it, lay an encampment for several homeless people who bum by the nearby signal lights.  For a second-and-a-half, I viewed the grimy mattresses and other accoutrements of those living underneath a low hanging overpass that speeds drivers on southward, towards San Jose.

     Sometimes we think we have it rough. Those living in that make-shift camp, sleeping among the ice plants, sharing the dirt and filth with rodents, have it worse. Life is all about perspective.

My Gratitudes for Saturday: 

1. I finished a term of community service. I have other pressing matters that need my attention. I thankful for the time that can now be applied elsewhere.
2. I saw someone this week that has caused grief the past few years;  I haven't seen this person since August. I'm glad that I was able to keep my equanimity, even though our paths crossed. I'm glad that I don't allow others to determine my moods.
3. Today,  I had lunch with a friend that I've known but with whom I never shared a meal. She asked me to join her.  I enjoyed our time together.
4. I attended a business meeting Saturday morning. Afterwards several people told me they missed me. I've been keeping a lower profile the last two-and-a-half months. I've been focusing on other projects. It's nice knowing that others appreciate what I contribute, when I'm with them, be it a meeting, a community event or some form of service I offer.
5. I'm ending a mentoring relationship with two people. We get what we tolerate.

       It's time for me to move on. These individuals aren't making the effort necessary for their growth. I'm happy helping others---it's just that their concern about their growth has to be greater than my desire to help them. This has not been the case.
6. I'm thankful for the additional time I'll be having as I've trimmed the level of my commitments and public service.  It's all a result of making first things first.

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Quotes from the Posts

"I'm mindful that our thoughts affect the words we use, our words influence our actions, our actions shape our character and our character determines our destiny."

From "My Character Determines My Destiny." To read it, please click here.

"Progress not perfection, is better than no progress at all, especially when we're trying to rid ourselves from unwelcome dragons that dwell within the closets of our soul."

From, "Still Learning" which, within four days, became the most popular post
written. To read it, please click here.

"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its trouble, but it does empty today of its strength"
From the post: "Life Is Not a Correspondence Program." Click here to read it.

"Even though we cannot control our circumstances, we can control how we choose to respond to them."

From, "Handling Stress and Dealing With an Emotional Bully."Click here to read this post.

"Nope, being busy isn't exciting. Boring is good. Because boring is not boring; boring is being healthy, living a balanced life that has serenity"

From: "Do You Know What It Means If You Are Too Busy?" For more, please click here.
