Today is a big day.
More than 30 years ago, on this day, I changed the course of my life. I am happier because of the choice I made. I remember this moment as if it happened yesterday.
On this day I did the Third
Step mentioned in recovery. I turned my life and will over to the God of my understanding. My life is calmer, I am happier and I know a peace that transcends my circumstances.This step empowers me as I would have never imagined. It prepared me for a hellish journey that took place six months later.
Now, this day is pivotal, once again. Our nation is roiling with anguish. This recent melee at the Capitol confuses and disturbs U.S. citizens and other nations observing what is transpiring in America, this day, this moment, this hour.Many blacks in Amer-ica have died for doing much less than what happened today by a multitude of Trump sup-porters in the nation's capitol. Authorities help-lessly stood by as vestiges and monuments of democracy---the Senate and House of Representative floors----were trampled morally and physically.
This was a concerted effort by those not happy with the results of the recent presidential election.
You know I am a positive per-son. This is a place in cyber-space that focuses on the posi-tive. We look at what we can be grateful for. How can we do this with what happened today?
How About This:
1. We can be thankful for those who restored order after the Capitol was overrun by protesters.
2. We can appreciate that the majority of Americans are appalled by what transpired today in Washington D.C., the nation's Capitol. What happened there does not reflect the character of the majority of Amer-icans, thank God.
3. We can be grateful that with friends, we want to say what we mean, mean what we say, but not say it meanly. This did not happen today in the Capitol. It is preferred relating this way when expressing our positions.
Relationships are restora-tive, supportive, and healing when nonviolent communi-cation is used when disa-greeing. It is best to care before we level, to con-nect before we correct. This did not happen today.4. We Americans received a wake-up call today. Brought to the fore-front were issues needing vast improvement. We can only make improvements when we acknowlege the problem.
This is awareness. In recovery, we learn it is 80% of the solution. Today was a vivid opportunity for awareness at the national level of the dysfunction within our political system. No good can be derived, then.
Using nonviolent communication prevents viewpoints from being inappropriately and harmfully expressed.
May this embarrassment of immaturity and public rage expressed by those who were unhappy never happen again. We want to stay in the solution. May we see that blame, shame, fear, guilt, and judgment are forms of life alienating communication
Communicating in a life-aliena-ting way only furthers the div-ide between op-posing factions.
5. Expressing the needs beneath what disturbs us is the best option. Speak-ing nonviolently brings positive outcomes.
Empathy, not violence, being understanding towards those we disagree is the foundation for resolution, harmony, connection, treat-ing one another with respect and dignity.
I'm wishing all of us healthy relationships. Good friends provide the breastplate that helps us overcome the disturbing blows received dur-ing challenging times, like now. I pray for the welfare of our nation.
I'm hoping God restores our nation, giving us the gratitude, hope and tranquility we all seek. It will take place as we learn to respond with compassion and understanding, rather than react with unre-strained rage and immaturity.
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