Monday, March 26

The Innkeeper Flew, Part II. (A Thanksgiving Story That Is Not Turkey or Cranberry Sauce Related) ..3/26/12

      Good evening everyone,
How was your day? Mine was as it needed to be. Restful. I had a catapulting experience yesterday. The item catapulted moved little today and is recovering.

      This afternoon, going over to the Mexican restaurant, Juanita's, and imbibing tequila medicine helped. Afterwards,
my thumb did not throb as much as it had---without ceasing---since 4:00 p.m. Sunday, when it, my shins and elbows slammed into the dirt, between San Leandro and Alameda. The other parts got scrapped, my thumb was sliced.

A Thanksgiving Story
 It Is Not Turkey or Cranberry Related

     Yesterday, after I was patched together by the Good Samaritans Kathy and Carlos, I stopped at the Colosseum BART Station.  It was on the way home, on San Leandro Ave, too.  The ticket agents seeing my disheveled, blood-and-mud-splattered appearance, somehow did not mistake me for a homeless person.
     They let me in through a side gate sans a BART ticket and plied me with bandages, antiseptics, along with their kindness. My ever-present black bag of books I placed on the backside of their station, underneath the bullet-proof window.

     After washing up, applying bandages and re-applying gloves on my bloody but bandaged hands, I scooted for home, three miles down the road.  A half mile from home, I was startled to realize that in my shock of being in an accident, I left my books at the station. My goodness. I'm not sure if you truly know me.  I really mean, MY GOODNESS!  I can not live without these books.

     This is where recovery kicked in.  I continued homeward.  I breathed out my anxieties about my books as I trekked to my abode. My best bet was getting help once I arrived at my place.

     I had a glorious blaze of mud, swiped across my pants, vest and the sleeves of my shirt.  As I cycled, I revealed to all Alamedans who spied upon me, the day's thumb-splitting, dirt eating, bicycle induced misadventure.  Best yet, a light sprinkling of rain refreshed a worn out and nervously fevered innkeeper who was worried about his books.

    Arriving home, my heart pounding with fear,  I called a friend, asking for an immediate ride to the BART station. To heck with my bloody knees that were sticking to my filthy jeans.  The bloody palms and the pain shooting from my sliced thumb were nothing compared to retrieving my books. I know my priorities.
    Within ten minutes my friend and I raced back in his Jaguar, to the BART station.  Arriving, I limpingly ran to the station, mud-streaked and all. One person watching me yelled out to the crowd waiting for a bus, "watch out for that crazy man!" but I did not care.
    Breathlessly, I asked the agent to let me in. He recognized me, and did.  My bag, left in Oakland, California---- known for it's excessively high crime rate----in a public place where hundreds passed by on an hourly basis, was still there.

   All of which made a very happy but frazzled, blood tingling innkeeper.

    So, how was your weekend?

    I'm still typing with nine fingers,
        The Innkeeper
Related Post: 
The Innkeeper Flew---I Crashed While Biking, Part I


aileen said...

Pablo, I am sooo happy that you were not more seriously injured, particularly as you ride w/o a helmet(gratitude #1 A). I am very thankful that Good Samaritans appeared, that you got a new client out of this splat into the mud, that your book bag was untouched and that you took care of yourself. Life is good, even when it is challenging for us. I am truly in thanksgiving and gratitude that you were only banged up, no car or other vehicles were involved, and that kind and caring people sheparded you through the worst parts (gratitude #1B).

Today was challenging for me in not quite so physical a way as yours, but more in terms of being capable of maintaining my centeredness, due in LARGE part to the powerful session I had at the library on Friday (gratitude #2). In short, I maintained my centeredness where before I would have been nearly 51/50 with the serious of events that unfolded for me today beginning w/a 5:20 a.m. call about my aunt being found by my cousin, her daughter. My aunt appears to have simply keeled over in exiting this life. This is a shocker for our family as she had a full and active life in her 80's including selling Avon and being very active in her church and senior mobile home community. The other 2 high challenge points in a long day of not so great news in other areas of my life include a car repair estimate of between $425 and $600, and finally making it in from this heavy rain to learn that there is no hot water for the long soak I was looking forward to, due to construction work on the building I live in causing a failsafe utility system in case of earthquake to kick in.

I am also in gratitude (#3) that I was able to speak to my part time room mate about an issue that has beeen problematic and setting me on edge for a long time. I was able to communicate in a calm, unaggitated manner, tho I did stumble a bit. My gratitude rests also in that the information was openly received and acknowledged w/o the other person having bad feelings about this issue. Well that's it for tonight. If you have not already tried this, I find that using Neosporin really speeds up the healing of broken skin. Rest easy, Dear Pablo.

Pablo said...

Thank you, Aileen, for your concern.

I'm happy too, that my injuries weren't worse and wonderful people tended to me afterwards.

I'm sorry hearing about losing your aunt. You must feel shocked and sad discovering about her recent passing.

Car repairs. Ugh. That's a big "ouch" finding out your car is requiring a lot of money in order for it to get fixed. That must be frustrating and troubling for you. In addition, moments like these can make us feel helpless and powerless. Remember you are not alone. Thanks for sharing what's going on with you.

You might want to take a look at my post, "Calmness in the Eye of the Emotional Storm."

Here's the link:

You'll have to cut and paste it, to get to it or you can click on the link in the Alphabetical Inndex above, under that title.

Man, your day was a doozy. I thought my Sunday was rough, you were faced with challenges on the emotional, physical and financial levels. You have my support.

You must be happy that your day ended on a positive note: you conveyed difficult information, you confronted an issue and the outcome was positive. You are probably thrilled seeing growth in your ability to communicate openly with others in a
peaceful, respectful way. Kudos to you!

Thanks for dropping by, reading and commenting. I'm especially glad you shared three gratitudes.

As the innkeeper of this inn I award you the Attitude of Gratitude Award for Thursday, 3/29/12. Congratulations, you have the right spirit.

Wishing you a better week,
The Innkeeper

Quotes from the Posts

"I'm mindful that our thoughts affect the words we use, our words influence our actions, our actions shape our character and our character determines our destiny."

From "My Character Determines My Destiny." To read it, please click here.

"Progress not perfection, is better than no progress at all, especially when we're trying to rid ourselves from unwelcome dragons that dwell within the closets of our soul."

From, "Still Learning" which, within four days, became the most popular post
written. To read it, please click here.

"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its trouble, but it does empty today of its strength"
From the post: "Life Is Not a Correspondence Program." Click here to read it.

"Even though we cannot control our circumstances, we can control how we choose to respond to them."

From, "Handling Stress and Dealing With an Emotional Bully."Click here to read this post.

"Nope, being busy isn't exciting. Boring is good. Because boring is not boring; boring is being healthy, living a balanced life that has serenity"

From: "Do You Know What It Means If You Are Too Busy?" For more, please click here.
