
Tuesday, September 30

Grateful for Many Things, Trusting God for One in Particular........ 9/30/14

     I just got in from working tonight in Alameda until 10:00 p.m.  Afterwards, I did errands and shopped for food. Tonight will be to the point.

My Gratitudes: 
1.  I faced fear and overcame it, sorta.  Still, it wasn't easy.  I am less resilient because I am tired, a lot, due to number 3 below. I am getting stronger because of number 13 below.
2.  I have a plan that is providing me hope, the result of help received yesterday.  I will test
its effectiveness soon.  The best part of everything is knowing that even if things do not work out, I will be fine.
Zig Ziglar
3.  I am acclimating to an increased workload, maintaining my motivation.
4.  I supported someone who was in tears, we spoke by phone this afternoon.  I am glad I can be there, for another.  We closed our time with prayer.
5.  I like comments from you, the guests to this inn. It  meets my need for community.
6.  I met with the dragon lady. I survived.  Every time I start my session with her, I take a deep breath before I see her. It is an opportunity every week to practice patience and for me to exercise boundaries.
7.  A person called me out of the blue, wanting my help. I will see her Friday. She's driving 62 miles, (100 km) to have a few sessions, before she heads to Spain for an art exhibit of her work, in Madrid.
8.  Someone had a session today who came from 43 miles away. (69 km) I am thankful for somatic therapy, non-violent communication and the use of recovery principles.  They help my clients overcome anger, fear, depression, lack of motivation, emotional bullies and emotional vampires.
9.  For September there were 18,423 views of this inn by guests 8,800 unique visitors. I am thankful that what I share here meets the needs of many.
10.  I love writing. As the quote to your right indicates, there is much value to emptying out through the use of the pen.
11.  I am eating healthily and seeing the results.  Cooking all my meals is meditative.  I am good at it and love being creative.  I have conjured fifteen different omelets over the past two months. I am thrilled I found a store that had cast iron skillets. I have been looking for one, for a long time. Thrilled.
12.  I am deviating from number eleven tonight, enjoying jordan almonds.
13.  I am sleeping better.  I didn't know that was possible. Hurray!  It totally improves the start of the next day and my mind is clearer.

Effectiveness is More Important
14.  Lately, I am helping many become more effective, a specialty of mine. Having been a manager for decades, I learned a thing or two about time management and priorities.  Effectiveness must precede efficiency.  It isn't so much doing a job right (efficiency), as it is to do the right job (effectiveness).  Many mistake activity for accomplishment.
15.  I love my life and the shape and direction of my future.
16.  I am surrounded by the love of many. I am a fortunate man.
17.  Another new client. I will start seeing her next Monday, at 5:00 p.m.

How About You? 
What are your three gratitudes for today?

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