
Expressing Our Voice

My hope is we'll become as exuberant as my
middle son Micael---yes, there is no "h"----
is here, because we are exercising our voice.To his
 right, is my oldest son, Pablo Jr. (Actually the fifth)

       A theme expressed in this inn is expressing our voice. It is key for maintaining our dignity, integrity, emotional safety and the peace of mind we seek. And, it's critical for having an Attitude of Gratitude.

       Here's are the first of many links on this subject.   (The innkeeper is up for a raise.  He hopes that if he does this extra work, he may just get it.)

Being Congruent With My Internal Voice
Dodging a Raging Bull
Expressing My Voice, Doing So Respectfully
Not Being Externally Referented
Thoughts On Relating With An Intimidator

1 comment:

  1. Today, Thanksgiving 2019, is perfect for expressing my attitude of gratitude. I am so grateful for the amazing path toward growth and ultimate serenity that has led me to seek and find Pablo to expertly and passionately guide me toward living the future of my dreams. Although I've led a fairly comfortable, somewhat happy life, there has always been emptiness and sadness inside.
    Now there is hope. Now there is vision. Because now there is Pablo, who is now helping me to work toward living and believing in a more spiritual, truly happy future. I obviously have a lot of work and growing yet to do, and I'm not that young, but never too old to learn how to really get enjoyment and fulfillment out of life. I'm truly thankful to be so blessed.


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