
Saturday, October 27

Taking Care of Self, Having Fun

       Just a  moment ago, I wrote about communicating our needs, rather than being passive or indirect about them. Being friendly, if we want a friendship with another person, was also covered in the previous post.
My Gratitudes for Saturday
1. My baseball team has won the first three games of a best of seven contest, the World Series.  It's always fun
celebrating the success of those you love. 
2. I enjoyed the time I spent with others, while viewing tonight's game. A community event, it was. Several friends and I rooted for our team, the San Francisco Giants. 
3. A conversation after the game got my attention. I liked connecting with this person. 
4. Before the game, I made homemade soup, with lentil beans as the base.
     As the air gets nippier, warm soup is a perfect complement to autumn weather.  It was fun being creative. 
5. Several meals were batched---I'll use them for the upcoming week.
     I appreciate the ease I'll have in preparing meals over the next few days.  I enjoy planning ahead. 
6. In the morning, I mended and sewed, while watching a movie at home.
     This was a form of self-care, while having fun at the same time. It's a good feeling checking off items that were on my mental to-do list, catching up on long past due chores. 
7. I look forward to riding my bike after this post. It's been awhile since I've had a midnight ride.  I'm thankful for the lovely, picturesque, island town in which I live, for my health and the vigor I have, and that my leg is feeling better. 
8. I love the rack on my bike. I've had it about a week.  I know I've mentioned it the other day, but I'm still happy having it. It allows me to carry books and I no longer need to carry a bag slung over my shoulders.
9.  I'm thankful for contentment, clarity about feelings, and their source.  You can read more about this here
10. I look forward to the additional clarity I'll have tomorrow, when I spend time filing. I like feeding my inner adult. 
11. I'm excited about what God is going to do in my life---He does for me, what I cannot do for myself. I'm thankful for realizing that I'm not God. I can't heal myself, apart from his help and the healthy relationships he places in my life.  I appreciate having a perspective that reminds me that I am small---which is the meaning of my name, Pablo, or Paul. 
12. My leg is no longer aching, this, after nineteen days of it burning, due to an infection. I thank God for antibiotics and increasing health.
How About You? 
What are your gratitudes for today? As you probably know, I ask if you could possibly share three.


  1. I am grateful for the friendships that I've made and continue to make. I find that when I am not isolating from others, I grow the friendship. Not surprising but very different from the person I was before recovery.

  2. Hey Syd,

    I was not able to be friend until I learned how to be friendly and gentle towards myself. Recovery I've experienced through Al-Anon Family Groups made that possible.

    I've learned how to have acceptance with grace, not resignation, towards the areas where I need to grow.

    It's fulfilling having the friends I have. I appreciate my growth in authenticity---a result of inventorying areas where I needed to improve and then replacing these areas with healthier alternatives. I'm thankful for God's help in overcoming many of my vulnerabilities----I shall always be a work in progress.

    I appreciate your comments. Have a good day. And, congrats on passing the tests you took not too long ago. Kudos to you!


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