
Tuesday, March 5

Where Has the Innkeeper Been? .......3/5/13

How the hills nearby look. Thank God for rain
      Missing my companion----my laptop----has been a revelation.  My visits with you, here, at the inn, have been scarce. I miss our time together, too.  One laptop I borrowed is no longer available.  Ugh.

      I'm at the library and I've
25 minutes to write, before this place closes.  Forgive me for not replying to comments.  I'm trying to squeeze this post in the remaining time I have.

      So, what are my gratitudes? How about these:

1.  Life has been good---I'm thankful for the many gifts my Higher Power bestows upon me:  good weather, wonderful friends and a lovely family.
2.  I have my health.

      Two years ago, at this time I was spitting blood; I had pneumonia.   A temperature over a hundred kept company with me for a week. At one point it reached 106.

      Was that scarey. I had to take an ice bath to bring my temperature down. I've learned since then to not take vigor and strength and the ability to breathe easily for granted.
3.  Sunday, I rode my bike fifty miles (80.5 km).

       I rode to San Leandro twelve miles and saw clients. Afterwards, I changed clothes and cycled for two hours to Union City.  I went the long way----along the shoreline of the San Francisco Bay.  Was it worth it.

       I had never rolled along this part of the East Bay.  The views of the San Francisco Peninsula, waterfowl and the croaking of bullfrogs provided me with the mini-vacation I sorely needed.
       I crossed several wooden bridges, on my journey. On one of them I was a bit concerned the water had risen up meet the open-sided passageway.

4.  I saw two movies for free. One was excellent. "Silver Linings."  The other an action movie: "Snitch," with the Rock. This, after my long ride on Sunday. (That was my destination.) During the second movie my leg cramped up. That's okay. I'm glad I have legs. Some people don't.
How About You?
What are your gratitudes?


  1. Dear Innkeeper,

    I'm so glad you saw "Silver Linings Playbook!" What a great story and acting from Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence (Hunger Games) who won an Oscar for Best Actress.

    Today I am grateful that...

    1. My second day back at work went smoothly.

    2. My older sister and I could host a tasty, Chinese take-out (eat-in) 89th Birthday lunch for our Mom and a life-long family friend-neighbor.

    3. Big Sis gave me two old photo's I did not have, of our late Dad, and one of she and I as little kids posing with Mom on the steps of our old house on 159th Street.

    4. I could stay home tonight out of the howling, chilly wind and driving rain to nurse a persistent cough.

    5. We have the sanctuary of a warm, dry, loving home, an ever enriching 30+ year marriage, four great sons, and a nourishing, living faith of four decades.

    6. I could catch a 1989 John Denver concert in Japan on PBS with such lilting classics as "Rocky Mountain High," and "You Fill Up My Senses." (just dated myself!) He sand so effortlessly...

  2. Silver Linings was the best movie I've seen in 2-3 years. I loved it.

  3. Dear Carl,

    Here I am, again, catching up on the many postings you've left at this inn.

    It's great hearing you were able to spend time with your mother on her 89th birthday. She's fortunate to have children who dote on her as much as you do.

    P.S. I like John Denver, too.

  4. Dear Keith,

    It was interesting viewing the portray of mental illness in this movie. Having worked with those with mental health issues for decades, I was sensitive to any stereotypes they could have presented. Fortunately, I think they did fine.


Thanks for dropping by the inn. I'd love hearing your thoughts. You can send me an e-mail. I'd prefer you leaving a comment. The Innkeeper