
Friday, March 8

An Update and Prayer

      Good evening everyone,

I am cheating.  I'm supposed to be working on a talk I'm giving at a conference tomorrow. But, here I am talking with you.  I miss our times together.

      I went to the shop where my
computer was worked on, yesterday.  It's in Union City.  Quite a way to go, by bike, more than thirty miles.  The guy wasn't in.  Ugh, and it rained yesterday.  I called him; he said he'll deliver it to me.  I added the incentive that I'll treat him to a meal at a Mexican restaurant, along with us sharing a Margarita.

      "That's a deal," Angelo said.

      I cannot write, right now.  I need to concentrate on my talk, to be given at 10:00 a.m., and the workshop I'll give afterwards.  The following is a simple prayer I wrote Wednesday morning during my Quiet Time, which is quite a time, indeed.

       It will have to suffice as my literary contribution for now. Here it is:

        Dear Father,
Thank you for your great love for me.  I have many competing demands, wanting attention.  Help me slow down, that I may hear your voice in the midst of the storms of life. 
       You know I love you.  I'm happy with the life you've given me, when I apply healthy, loving, constructive, empowering principles.  They counteract vulnerable areas that would defeat me, if I lived passively, in my default mode. 
       This day I give to you, for you to do with me as You wlll. 
       Help me demonstrate your grace----let me gentle towards the judgmental.  Allow me to not take offense when relating with the unkind.  Remind me that those who are unpleasant are trapped within the cocoon of their misery, bitterness and their unhappy past. 
        I ask you to fill my life with people who are thriving----who live in the solution and desire to grow and improve. Yet, they are gentle and patient towards themselves and me. 
        Thank you, God, for listening right now and for all the times you have been my best friend.


      I'd love hearing from you,


  1. Dear Innkeeper,

    Beautiful prayer! I'm sure you have inspired many of the thousands who visit our Inn...Thanks!

    My Thursday Gratitudes are;

    1. That I could survive a nearly 200 mile trip for work through North Bay Wine Country, icing my new knee only on the trip home.

    2. That I could thus make it through my first 12 hour work day in two months still standing.

    3. That our #2 son is that much closer to entering a program perfectly suited to his personality and healing needs.

    4. That I could unexpectedly meet with my boss and HR (today - Friday) to learn I have 7.5 weeks to prepare for a significant demotion in pay and position. Why grateful? Because this reality check will help me become more accountable, responsible (more incentive, motivation as a commissioned sales person), bring greater equity with colleagues, and force me to reinvent myself. Finally this will lay to rest my senior, seasoned veteran manager sense of "entitlement."

  2. Dear Carl,

    What an attitude, in the best sense of this word! You have my prayers and support.

    I'm still working on the talk and workshop I'm giving tomorrow----but I had to reply.

  3. Amazing! All those in your presence will be lit up by your spirit. Good on ya!!

  4. Dear Innkeeper,

    My Saturday Gratitudes (a day late...) are;

    1. Spending quality time with my 89 year old Mom.

    2. Having that difficult chat with my wife about my pending demotion at work, and her being at peace with God's Hands.

    3. Being able to have faith that there is a "silver lining" in changes at work, and that taking this leap of faith will open doors for some unexpected grace and blessing.

    5. Collecting several free loaves of bread and an apple pie from Nathanial after church; very helpful in a household with five hungry men, and in lieu of pending cuts in income.

    4. Mowing the back lawn on Sunday afternoon in the springtime sunshine, while two sons actually trimmed some cut branches for kindling and stored them.

    5. A family dinner for eight with smoked/bbq'd Cornish Game Hens, grilled eggplant by son #4, and baked potato...and not having to wash the dishes!

    6. For a (most timely) meeting tomorrow with our family financial planner!

  5. Dear Carl,

    I'm also certain many are blessed by the positive attitude you bring to this place.

    Thank you, for the many gratitudes you share when you drop by!

  6. Vanessa,

    What would I do, without your encouragement? Thank you for dropping by this inn regularly. After I answer some posts here, I'll visit your place and say hi.

    For your information, my talk went fine and I got some new clients.


Thanks for dropping by the inn. I'd love hearing your thoughts. You can send me an e-mail. I'd prefer you leaving a comment. The Innkeeper