
Wednesday, June 13

Today's a Special Day

Happy Fifteenth Month Anniversary!

      Good afternoon,

This is a special day, fifteen months since this inn opened its doors. Thanks for dropping by!

      I didn't realize how much I would
enjoy being an innkeeper.  I've been stretched---I've posted close to four hundred posts and hundreds of replies to comments left here.  That's quite a few for less than a year and a half.

      I am proud that this cozy place has been a den of encouragement and thanks.  I've extolled my gratitudes and have shared at least three, usually many more, almost each day.
    The lessons learned serving this inn: 
1. We are pretty similar, each of us. We have more in common than we have that is dissimilar
2. Friends and family are most important. Nothing else matters if we don't have the treasure of loved ones.
3. Persistence is more important than most other character qualities.  I've been a regular contributor and as such I've written more than I ever did before.
4. There are many fantastic people out in the world, you included.
5.  Writing well requires work. I have a ways to go.
6.  After writing for awhile, it becomes addictive and gets under the skin.
7.  I enjoy the little things involved with writing. There's more to it than what you see here.
8.  I leave quite a bit of myself in this inn, when I write.
9. You guys have been very encouraging. For that, I'm grateful!
How About You?
    This inn meets mine by allowing me to celebrate what's going on in my life. In addition, it meets my need for adventure, awareness, caring, communication, connection, creativity, fellowship, inspiration, joy and self-expression.

   Can you resonate with any of these needs listed? If so, which ones? I'd love hearing your response.  


  1. Hi, Pabalo!

    GREAT cake for your celebration!

    My 3 gratitudes for 6/13

    1. That this workday flew by!
    2. That I had enough energy to do the dishes just abouy toppling out of my sink.
    3. That I had enough energy to get 3 loads of laundry donw which entails 3 round trips from my 3rd floor apt to the lobby level laundry room - about 60 steps up and 60 more done.

    Good that you have enjoyed the blogisphere ove the last 15 months.

    I do not enjoy computers/ technology. My interactions are required, and rarely my choice.

    May your Inn keep on giving...

  2. Happy 15 month anniversary Pablo! This blog is one of my favorite to visit, as you know. I look forward to many future visits.

  3. Hi there, Aileen,

    Thank you for sharing this special time with me.

    You've been busy. You've had a workout today!

    I'm glad you drop by, even though you don't like computers. Thank you filling this inn with your gratitudes! I really like your consistency in regularly posting three, each time you visit.

    I appreciate your discipline and the celebrations of life that you share with us!

  4. Keith,

    May I invite you to write a guest post, here? It doesn't have to be long. It can be as long as the ones you share at your place.

    You must be excited about your upcoming vacation. Wishing you a terrific weekend!


Thanks for dropping by the inn. I'd love hearing your thoughts. You can send me an e-mail. I'd prefer you leaving a comment. The Innkeeper