
Tuesday, June 12

The Birth of Serenity After Weathering an Emotional Storm ................................................6/12/12

       Did you have a good day?  I certainly did. It's almost midnight over here, on the Left Coast. Even though the hour is late, I intend to go for a midnight ride this evening, after this post.

       Taxing my body is not only good for my body,but also for my soul, mind, emotions and spirit (which is different than our soul---for more about that, click here).  I sleep better, I burn calories, my mind gets cleared, stress is relieved and I commune with God, as I roll on two wheels past nature.  Cycling allows me time to pray.

       This was a good day for my
serenity.  Yep, it was.  A baby was birthed.  The contractions of the birthing process are over.  The baby was being true to my values, not accepting unacceptable behavior.

        My emotions were throttled by a highly intelligent, aggressive person.  I gripped the birthing bar, silently sweating, as the strength of my character endured the severe contractions of an emotionally intense confrontation.

       What, you didn't know men give birth, too?  Well I did.  And now, serenity and ease surround me. I was true to me.  I wasn't shaken, as I adhered to my values.


      This day, I took care of details. I'm preparing for my son's graduation from a local university.  I even rode my bike and the San Francisco Giants won.  Life doesn't get any better.

       To top it off, speaking of babies, tomorrow is the 15th month anniversary of this inn.  I hope you drop by and grab a piece of cake.
How About You?
1. What have you done lately, to take care of all dimensions of your personhood? I pray, meditate, journal, write my gratitudes, ride my bike and connect with my Balcony People.
2. What has recently been birthed in your life?
       For me, it's been serenity born out of living true to my values, not being swayed or shaken when threatened by the intimidating behavior of others. This type of behavior no longer motivates me to deny my integrity.  I find greater self-love and self-acceptance when I'm true to my boundaries.
3. And, what might be your gratitudes for today? You'll hear mine in the next post.


  1. My gratitudes for today are:

    A wonderful boss at work. I truly could not ask for a better boss.

    A great roommate who is also becoming a wonderful friend.

    My niece, who is in contention for the lead role in the local production of "Annie".

  2. Keith,

    How is it for you, posting your gratitudes? Is it affecting your awareness of life's events?

    Thank you for dropping by, reading and sharing what fills your heart with thankfulness.

    Fortunate are you, to have a great boss. How did you find your roommate?

    I wish your niece luck, or should I say, may she break a leg: I hope she get the role.

    I appreciate how you make this inn more lively with your frequent visits!

    The Innkeeper


Thanks for dropping by the inn. I'd love hearing your thoughts. You can send me an e-mail. I'd prefer you leaving a comment. The Innkeeper