
Sunday, June 17

A Soothing Flood of Memories On a Scorching Day

           I just awoke from a nap.   The hot day enervated me. For three-and-a-half hours, I sat in 95 degree heat, wilting.  No comfort from the bay's cool breeze interrupted today's event. I'm climatically spoiled and melted under the assault of this summer day.

          The day was shadeless.  Such is the case when
sitting in the middle of a football stadium, out on the field, three rows back from the commencement ceremonies. Adding to the discomfort, I wore a suit. Yikes.

          Yet, gladly I weathered every bit of the afternoon.  It's not everyday I witness a turning point in a son's life.  My sons, ex-wife, a friend of more than 35 years---Stuart, Xanthi (Pablo Jr.'s girlfriend), her mother, childhood chums of his and I broiled in the weather together.  We gathered as Pablo Jr.'s cheering section, celebratory horns and all.

         Surprisingly, I didn't cry.  Instead, I marveled, proud of his academic achievement.  Memories of salient moments in Pablo Jr.'s life poured through my Panama hat covered head and my heat-fevered mind.

         I remembered his emergence from his mother, being laid on her stomach, moments afterwards, the sweet child he was, even then.  Memories of his childhood floated through the theater of my mind: as a young father---when his mother was away from home, working---offering him bachelor dinners consisting of popcorn and ice cream.  No wonder he's shorter than his other two brothers.

         While baking in the white plastic seats on the field today, I was mindful, since his youth, of our mutual love for Chinese food.  Recollections of the scads of rice left on floor, after a meal, brought fond feelings of the love, hope and joy of early fatherhood.

         His high school graduation, our working on his first resume, and the walks we shared---especially when he was upset---revisited me.  These gentle, soothing waves lapped upon the sandy shore of my mind.

         It took awhile for the procession to start.  Reveries of he and I flying stunt kites along windy, cool shores of the Mendocino coast, and him outdoing me with his abilities, comforted me while enduring today's relentless heat.

         My mind continued strolling through the halls of my memory, as people baked around me, spying upon their loved one, who sat in front, in cap and gown, waiting for their moment of academic glory.  He always liked money.  Saved it well, since a kid.  Playing Monopoly against him was futile. He never lost, beating siblings and adults alike.  Shades of his future.  (Did I tell you he's a business major?)

         While patiently, but uncomfortably anticipating the program, I remembered the stories we would create extemporaneously at night, when he was a child. He, his brothers and I would  do this while they were tucked in bed, ready for Mr. Sandman.  In my mind's eye I saw once again the serious look he'd have when I placed a hand upon his forehead, praying a blessing upon him and his brothers, as we finished the day.
          During today's event, I recalled the heart-felt conversations--- usually late at night,  we had, once he was a young man. We're both night owls.  Unfortunately, images surged forward of not so pleasant, intense competition, while playing pool.  I've grown since then, more than twelve years ago.  Am I glad.

          These, and many other reflections flooded my mind while gazing upon the back of his mortar-boarded head, as he sat in front of me, facing the stage.  I soaked in the moment while becoming soaked as a result of today's scorching weather.

         My former spouse was pleasant.  I was grateful.  I'm glad the focus was on our oldest son.  I kidded her and my sons earlier, when we awaited the processional and his entrance. She wore a dress. I commented on it. "I don't have many occasions to wear a dress," she said.

         Speeches were given. We cooked in our seats. It didn't matter.  Pablo Jr. was getting his degree.

      Then the moment arrived. Degrees were conferred. He took his place in the 400+ person line.  His name was proclaimed, he strode to the center of the stage, got his degree. We cheered, tooted our aersoled fog horns and basked in his glory.  Boy, was I proud of him.

       You did it my son. Life awaits you. Pablo Jr., you have the support of your loved ones, including me.

      I look forward to celebrating this moment with family and friends tomorrow.
Because tomorrow is Father's Day:
       What a gift it is, being a father. Mundane things, rice, popcorn, a child's bed, become transformed when attached with loving memories.  My life is richer because I'm a dad.  I'm thankful for the privilege.
      More than that, I'm thankful for the woman who made it possible.  I'm grateful for my sons. Each, in their unique way---including my former wife---have been incarnational ambassadors of God's deep love for me.  
How About You?
1. What is a monumental moment you are going through?
2. What are you celebrating today?
3. Whose Balcony Person are you, who are you cheering on, as they run the race of life?


  1. You must be so very proud of your son Pablo!

  2. Good to see you, Keith.

    Yep, I am proud of him and his brothers. As much as I am of their accomplishments, I'm prouder of their character.

    Did you have a good weekend?

  3. Nice Father's Day weekend for you,Pablo! Congrats to your son as well on this major life passage.

    My 3 gratitudes for today, Monday, 6/18/12:

    1. I pushed against myself on behalf of myself and purchased a piece of equipment for my back. I get much relief now in managing this condition.

    2. Found access to health practioners through a health collective I recently joined and have had a great accupuncture treatment for my neck and a consult with a naturopath on several other concerns.

    3. Thankful for a full 5 days of work this week and to have gotten a call about another possible temporary assignment.

    Good night!

  4. Ailene,

    As always, I enjoy your visits. Wow. You invested in yourself---hey, you've been making a bit more money and I'm glad you treated yourself in such a practical way.

    You are motivating me to make sure I take care of myself, physically and medically.

    I'm happy that your Higher Power is providing for you. I've learned it's not my job, nor my paycheck that provides for me. It's God.

    Thank you for dropping by!


Thanks for dropping by the inn. I'd love hearing your thoughts. You can send me an e-mail. I'd prefer you leaving a comment. The Innkeeper