
Monday, October 29


       Thank you for dropping by. How are you? I'm still decompressing from the Giants' victory yesterday. I even took a nap this evening.

       I'm about to ride my bicycle. Hearing the waves slapping the shores of the island town where I live, the roar of the wind in my ears and seeing the moon casting its beam upon the dancing bay waters as I cycle is a wonderful moment---I feel connected with the world around me. 

       Yes, I have a headlight and tail light for my bike. In this town, you get a ticket if you don't, and ride at night. That's a good thing.

My Gratitudes for Tonight: 
1. I am rested. I've been on the go, too much so. Having a tranquil home and resting this evening was a terrific way to invest in my welfare.
2. I look forward to a good night's sleep. It usually happens when I cycle.  I think more clearly, when my mind is rested.
3. I'm enlarging my vision.  "Without a vision the people perish."  I've been reviewing my professional, personal, relational, physical, spiritual and financial goals. As the ancient Greeks said:
   "If you aim at nothing, that's exactly what you get."
4. I appreciate the more than two hundred people who dropped by today. Thank you. This inn is here to encourage you and is a place for you to exercise your gratitude muscles.
5. I'm thankful for those of you who drop by and enhance the community we share here, with your comments. I like it when there's reciprocity and mutuality.
6. Tomorrow, I meet with a new client. That's always a good time. I love my vocation. It allows me to use many different parts of me. Best of all, I appreciate making life better for others.
7. I have a busy schedule Tuesday. Knowing my priorities keeps me focused and provides clarity for the day.
How About You? 
1. What are your three gratitudes for today?
2. What is your vision for your life? Where do you want to be in five years?
                                   I'd love hearing your answers.


  1. I have to smile,
    as soon as I read 'where do you want to be in five years time' 'Take no thought for tomorrow' came into my mind. I have learned that it is best to leave my times in God's hands and see what He brings into my life. I think my three attitudes of gratitude today would be focused on Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I do agree that doing something you love doing, like riding a bike, can bring great relaxation. Nice reading your post.

  2. My three gratitudes for today are:

    My best friend

    My family

    My health

    Thanks Pablo!!

  3. glad that you enjoy cycling. It is a good sport. Much to be grateful for:
    1-Alive and healthy today
    2-Family safe after Hurricane Sandy
    3-Recovery and all that it brings

  4. When your wife has brain cancer, the answer to my three gratitudes are really easy.
    1) my next breath
    2) another day with my wife.
    3) that we have spent the last 47 years, 3 months, 1 week, and 6 days together.

    Thanks for the visit and also for the gracious comment you left. I would still invite you back to follow my blog.

  5. Dear Innkeeper,

    Today, Tuesday I am Grateful;

    1. Our lives were not turned upside down by, or lost to Hurricane Sandy, and send loving thoughts, prayers and condolences to those who were.

    2. To attend with my wife a consultation with my knee replacement surgeon which answered many questions, provided clarity and peace of mind.

    3. Still grateful our Giant's won the World Series and wish I could be with them at the parade in SF tomorrow.

    My vision for where I would like to be in 3 to 5 years...

    Partially or fully retired, ideally near or in an ocean town, on the West Coast of California, doing what we love to do for our livelihood. At the same time (which may require moving outside CA), we would like to live near any of our four sons who have children so we can be a part of their lives and the lives of their children, in a new and special way as their grandparents. Hopefully we will be able to find a happy compromise between the two!

  6. Hello Brenda,

    Thanks for dropping by. I hope you don't mind if I see things differently. In the passage that Christ made the statement about "not taking thought for tomorrow," our concerns for future, I believe he was speaking about worry. The context supports that point of view.

    There are also other passages in Scripture that refer to preparing for the future.

    In Proverbs, for example, we are told to study the way of the ant, how it stores its food for the winter. Or, the parable Christ shared about a king about to enter into war---that he needs to count the cost, before doing so.

    On the other hand, yes, we do leave things in God's hand, after doing our best. As I share in this inn, there is only one God, and we are not Him.

    Thank you for dropping by. I appreciate your thoughts and your love for God. It's important remembering our priorities. It's clear you know yours.

    I hope to see you again, soon. I'm praying you have a great and grateful rest of this week!

    It's nice meeting you,


  7. Keith,

    A happy innkeeper you make, when I hear your gratitudes! Thanks for sharing yours.

    Did you get your tattoo? I know you mentioned about doing that. Just curious.

    I appreciate your support and the positivity you share when you drop by. I'm sure the incoming college students are relieved when they meet you. I bet you do much to dispel their fears and apprehensions.

    I'm wishing your Cincinnati Reds much success in the upcoming season. The SF Giants always can use a challenge. :->

    How's it working out with your housemate, is it still pretty good?

  8. Syd,

    It's always terrific when you have a stay at the inn! Thanks for your insights and comments. I trust you are safe and sound as I send out this note. You and your wife have my prayers, as I write this.

    I'm in agreement with you: I know I would not be three quarters as happy as I am, if it were not for my using principles to overcome the areas where I need to grow.

    I've experienced more love, authenticity and support from Al-Anon Family Groups than I have by any other means. And, am I glad.

    I so appreciate that people share their experience, strength and hope, letting me to sort out how I want to apply what I hear.

    Thanks for dropping by!

  9. Oh Stan!

    I'm sorry to hear about your wife's cancer. Your post certainly puts life in perspective. I'm impressed that you have the gratitudes that you do! It's lovely reading your tender comments about your bride. :-)

    I cannot imagine what you are going through. I'm glad you've found a Savior who allows you overcome the intense challenges you probably face.

    I'm praying for the best, for you and your wife of so many decades. I'm sure she appreciates your deep love for her. Thank you, for your example of a loving marriage.

    Stan, you have many followers, more than I could ever dream of having. Thank you for dropping by, reading and sharing your gratitudes.

    The innkeeper is overwhelmed, positively so---in this post alone---four wonderful people (including you) signed the registry to this inn by sharing their gratitudes.

    I wish you, your wife and the Colts a fantastic year!

    A grateful innkeeper

  10. Dear Carl,

    You are right, those of us living in California can be thankful, we are not encountering Hurricane Sandy. Prayers for those suffering and have suffered are much in order.

    I see you are approaching the big event, replacing your knee.

    I'll think of you as I cheer my team on, later this morning. My innkeeper duties I'm taking care of, before I leave for SF and enjoy the victory parade.

    Hey, you might want to consider retiring in Alameda. I think it would fit the bill. It would be great having you as a neighbor!

    I wish you a terrific Wednesday, please be careful during your travels.

  11. Pablo:

    Yes things are going well with the housemate. Thank you as always for the kind words by the way. If you get a chance later, my post this morning might be something right up your alley, as I imagine you being someone who loves when people pull together. Have a great day sir!

  12. Keith,

    Good evening. Glad to hear your housing situation is going well. Ill head over to your place, you have my curiosity.

    I did have a good day. It will be better, soon, I'm going to cycle, in just a bit.

    Always a pleasure having you as a guest!


Thanks for dropping by the inn. I'd love hearing your thoughts. You can send me an e-mail. I'd prefer you leaving a comment. The Innkeeper