
Saturday, September 29

Connecting with Guests of This Inn---Looking Forward to Hearing From You ..................................9/29/12

      Good evening everyone,

Here I am, again, closing out the day.  How was yours?  Mine was terrific,
thank you very much.

      Innkeeping is a perseverance race.  Easy, it was, opening this inn.  Maintaining it, requires commitment, motivation.  Fortunately, I have both in abundance.  Things like joie de vivre and the vision of this inn tattooed upon my consciousness prompts me to be the best innkeeper possible.

      How has your stay been, the past few weeks, or months, since you discovered this cozy place in cyberspace?

        Many of you drop by.   I heard from several of you this week.  I love hearing your comments; that's how you sign the registry to this inn.  For those who haven't recently, please give it a shot.   The following questions may help you join those who recently dipped their toes in the pool of innish conversation:

Ailene, it was good seeing you today. You've my prayers. What gratitudes might you have?
Anne, what are you learning at this time?  What are your responses to my recent postings?
Barbara, I admire your resolve and commitment to personal growth. Thank you, for your honesty, insights and humor.
Carl, what is strengthening you, as you persevere through tough times?
Catherine, what were your high and low points for this week? Other than your times interacting with Spawn?
CyndyR, when will I enjoy your strawberry rhubarb pie? I could use a piece, especially before riding 50+ miles on my bike.  How is your business faring? What has been a recent cause for joy?
Eugene, when will I see the contact sheet you put together? I enjoy your way with words. It's good getting to know you better.
Grazyna, welcome to this inn.  How can I support you?  You, and your family are in my prayers.
Jenna, what is one principle you are trying to apply at this time? Thanks for your caring support.
Jing, what did you like best about this week? Good luck as you start training for your new career.
Josiah, I'm proud of your hard work. I'm excited about your future. What was the best thing about this week? Also, thanks for your efforts at connecting. :-)
Keith, I've missed you. How are you, my friend? What is something new that's happened with you?
Kelly, how is school going for you?  What was your high point for this summer?
Lowry, what is one area you are working on? What is a recent realization you've encountered? Please check in, I appreciate your comments and you have my support.
Marina, how do you endure swimming in freezing water?  What is a gratitude you have?
Morgan, how have you been inspired this week?  What is one thing you've learned this week? Your avatar, is that a picture you found online, or is that you? Thank you for your honesty, openness and your comments.
Nalia, my friend, what has been a recent serendipitous event for you? Also, I love your stories and poetry.
PaulS, how are you? How is your business doing? What is one thing that causes your heart to smile?
Stuart, what have you liked best about the past week? Thank you for your help this week. The cards came arrived today.  I don't know what I'd do without friends like you.
Syd, what has motivated you lately? How have you been stretched this month?  How's your dog?
Vanessa, how are you? What is helping you to focus and have courage during this season in your life?  I enjoy your positive perspective.
       If I missed someone, I apologize.  For my Canadian, UK, Netherlands, Pakistan and Russian guests, I'd love hearing from you. What gratitudes might you have?

       I hope all my guests have a terrific new week. Mine will be stressful. Only with God's help will I be able to get through it.


  1. Dear Innkeeper,

    Why should our guests dip their toes in the water?

    Many of our guests at the Inn may not know this but the swimming pool here is sublime!

    Is it the perfect temperature; not too warm and not too cool. It is salt water (are you surprised?) which means it is crystal clear, and requires no chlorine or chemicals whatsoever. This also makes you more buoyant as you float or swim in its soothing caress!

    In addition, saltwater has a healing effect on the skin, and body in general.

    So my friends, what are you waiting for, dive right in! Your perpetual, watchful lifeguard at the Inn, Pablo is perched in his lifeguard stand 24/7 and will keep you safe!

    PS; The high-dive, and of course, the water-slide are both a total gas!

  2. Dear Innkeeper,

    For anyone who is still afraid of diving in, please read this beautiful quote;

    "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. - Marianne Williamson

    If this quote moves you as it does me, please let the Innkeeper, and all of us know how and why.

    Have a blessed and glorious Sunday all, whether you walk in the sunshine, the shade, the rain, wind or fog.

  3. Good Morning Pablo,

    Thank you for your post and for your comments on my blog. As always, it is great to hear from you. It is so nice to wake up and have something nice to read :)

    So... to answer your questions...

    How have you been inspired this week?

    1. Food has been inspiring me. Healthy, delicious, environmentally conscious food. Mmm...

    2. Nature has also been inspiring me. The leaves are changing colour where I live and we are transitioning into fall... I love this season. I get to bundle up in my scarves and boots and I get to see the seasons change as I myself am changing. It's beautiful.

    3. Reading blogs and feeling inspired. In particular, I find that I have really been connecting with your blog and with Vanessa's. You both offer such incredible perspectives and are helping me to look at my world in a new way. Thank you both!

    What is one thing you've learned this week?

    I have been learning so much Pablo. A lot of that I owe to you and the comments and perspectives that you give on my blog. Thank you!

    1. One big thing that I learned this week is that even though sometimes when we are ready to let go of negative relationships the others involved in those relationships are not. I have been finding it hard to disconnect as one individual keeps trying to influence me, manipulate me and make me feel bad for my decision to move on. It has been challenging to say the least.

    2. Another thing that I have learned is that it is so beneficial to savour the small, beautiful things in life... laughter shared with a close friend, a healthy meal, the smell in the air after a rainfall, watching a storm roll in, being bundled up in blankets watching a good movie.... Savouring these things makes life feel beautiful even on the dark days.

    Your avatar, is that a picture you found online, or is that you?

    I found it online. It looks like me and for me it represents an image of somewhere that I would like to be. I find it peaceful and I want to be in that place so I chose it to help me keep my focus... as silly as that sounds hehe.

    Thanks Pablo :)

    Have a fantastic day!

  4. How great it was, reading the comments posted yesterday. Thank you!

    @ Carl,

    I smiled and chuckled at your reply. I get much from your comments. You are right, this inn is a safe place. I encourage the dialog we share. My perspective is limited, I grow, when I hear your insights.

    I'm in agreement with you and the quote you share: humility is necessary, if we want to enjoy life fully. Humility does not mean abnegation of the gifts placed within us. It is rightly seeing what we have, along with those areas where we want to grow.

    We were meant to shake and shine. See the Gospel of Matthew, chapter five, sentences 11-16.

    Thank you, Carl, for your exhortation. What a way to start the week!

    An appreciative innkeeper

  5. Good Morning, Morgan,

    I so enjoy getting to know you. What an answer: inspired by food. You are right: nutrition goes a long way towards our well-being, not only physically, but emotionally and mentally, too. I avoid sugar, salt and minimize the carbs. I love water, whole grains and fruits.

    Fall is my favorite season. When I work out nature keeps me cool, especially when I run. I enjoy wearing coats and the crispness of fall weather.

    Thank you, for your kind words about this inn. I try doing my best, wanting to make this place a respite from the demands and worries of life.

    I'm in agreement with you. I like Vanessa's perspective. She's a special woman. Anyone can complain: viewing life positively, even during difficult times reveals a level of consciousness many do not have.

    I'm glad I'm encouraging you. Growing up, I didn't get much. I so see the need for positivity---it's something we all need. As Winston Churchill said, "the optimist sees the opportunity with every problem. The pessimist sees only the problem with every opportunity. It the optimist who will fly. The pessimist will try clipping his wings, preventing him from soaring."

    I appreciate your honesty regarding a relationship you ended. It's refreshing.

    Often, the other person can't let go. Frequently, it's desperation, a result of low self-esteem. The individual doesn't believe something better, relationally, will eventuate. They are trying to control outcomes instead of trusting God.

    I've learned to get still, allowing my Higher Power to calm my heart. I take care of myself by being mindful that God has my best interests at stake. Remembering that there is only one God and I'm not Him allows me to "Let Go and Let God," even with relationships.

    Lovingly detaching helps, too. Knowing I want to be responsive to, but not responsible for the feelings of others makes it easier to move on, especially when changing the nature of a relationship.

    Sadly, I've ended six relationships this year. I know, that's a lot. It was not easy. But, I took care of myself, each time I did. Knowing each person has their own Higher Power allowed me to move on.

    We are the average of the five people we hang out with. I choose to connect with those who are vibrant, healthy and positive. God replaced each relationship I ended with a new and healthier friend. Really.

    Thanks for answering the mystery regarding your avatar. I'm enjoying our dialogue, your British spelling and your authenticity.

    Wishing you a great week!

  6. Hahahaha!
    I didn't know you had literally written me a message!

    Thank you for the questions!

    My high points were: finding out that a man whom I had judged to be an illiterate schlump was actually a professor in chemistry.
    I also have begun reading "Jeckyll and Hyde" and am feeling smarter. :)
    A third high point will always be the health of my two beautiful children.
    My low points were acting out in my eating disorders and feeling unable to reconnect with my dreams.

    How wonderful to be thought of.

    Good evening to you. I will visit soon.

  7. Hi Pablo,
    Just thought you would like to know that I made a tiny temporary amends to "Spawn."
    Thanks for the attitude adjustment.


  8. Catherine,

    I love your humor!! :-> Yes, I wrote questions with you in mind. I enjoy your visits and the comments you post here.

    How did discovering that that guy was a professor make it a high point for you? You have my curiosity.

    I'm happy for you---children are a blessing, beyond description. Remember, mature adults do not make children; children make mature adults. :->

    Thank you for your honesty, Catherine. Just remember, take your eating, one bite at a time. Do you have others who can support you, as you try using healthy eating habits?

    Remember, you aren't alone. The innkeeper is here to cheer you on, as you try to grow in areas where you are vulnerable.

    Yes, you ARE thought of, by this guy from the Left Coast. I care. Ask Carl, and others who drop by.

    Thank you for your lovely post, it means a lot to me. Really.

    A grateful innkeeper

  9. Hi Catherine,

    Good to see you again! I'm glad I encourage you as you journey through life. That's what an innkeeper does: they tend to the stirring corners of life's highway. Inns provide rest and support for those who drop by.

    How did I help you make an attitude adjustment?

    I hope you have a fantastic middle-of-the-week day. I like it, when you keep the innkeeper company with your visits!

  10. School is stressful! A lot of project based learning going on, which means I have several plates spinning all at once. Trying not to drop them is quite a task.

    Speaking of summer, I think the high point would have to be just the time I spent with Myles. Looking back, yes, that is what I would say.

    I'm going to check my email and see what you are referring to (my memory isn't so great) and I'll get back to you there.

  11. Kelly,

    Good to see you back. Thanks for replying. How is it working for you, having a sponsor?

    I bet your son was glad having time with you, while you were apart from school.

    Thanks for communicating. I hope you come back and share your experience, strength and hope here, again and again. This inn is all about those three qualities, and fellowship, too. We get our healing through community, you'll find that here.


Thanks for dropping by the inn. I'd love hearing your thoughts. You can send me an e-mail. I'd prefer you leaving a comment. The Innkeeper