
Friday, October 19

Making My Life Count While Standing On One Leg

     Good evening,

How did your day go?  I visited a doctor. It was an interesting experience. It's been years since I waited in a doctor's office, because I was ill.

       An infected leg, I have.  I'm getting
the antibiotics tomorrow.  The leg is in constant pain, and is an inflamed pink color. The wound is more serious than I realized.  It needs to be elevated, I'm not supposed to stand. All this, because of a tumble on my bike a week ago, last Tuesday.

      In eight hours, I'll attend a breakfast for those contributing to tomorrow's peace forum. Later, I'll give a workshop on nonviolent communication.  Before that, I'll be on a panel discussion.

      Participating in this event has been good for me.  I worked with my oldest son, creating a new brochure about my services.

      The following month, I'm the keynote speaker, for this same organization, something I did last May.  This is the first time in seven years they've asked their monthly speaker to return.  I pray that I will used to be an instrument of peace and encouragement.

     I love my life, I like what I do. I'm thrilled I'm making my life count----helping others to become who they want to be.

     The day has had its good news, too.  After my visit with the doctor, I found out I'm getting additional funding for the next few months, as I'm building my practice in Alameda. I'm looking for a new office, too.
My Gratitudes:
1. I'm thankful for God's patient, gracious love for me and that of my family and friends.
2. My youngest son and I will hang out and have fun next week. We chatted when I returned from my medical appointment.  I love his honesty and am happy he's been hard at work.
3. There's the possibility I may spend time with my middle son, next week, too.
4. I'll be glad to get some shut eye, after posting this.
5. I love helping others to deal with their frustrations, sharing with them how they can express their voice in a way that encourages others to want to hear from them.
6. I appreciate the many who hunger for characterological growth and will attend tomorrow's event.
How About You?
What was your high point for this week, and your low point?
Good night,


  1. Παύλο,
    I am really sorry about your injury. I really hope it heals in no time.
    High point:
    My acting workshop! I had a great time, met some nice people and performed the breathing- exercises very well!
    Low point:
    I lost contact with a close friend of mine. That made me sad. Thank God for Birthdays though! We will have the chance to catch up when i call to wish Happy Birthday tonight, i hope!

  2. Hi Pablo,
    it's my first time on your blog.Sometimes browsing brings us to unexpected places :)...
    I hope your leg will heal very soon.
    My high point of this week was the fact that I was able to pay my rent.My lowest point was that I was very tired all through the week.
    As I understand from your blog,we should write what we are grateful for :).
    Here are my three things (as the good things come always in three...but I'm sure there could be more) :
    1.) My parents.
    2.)My brain and the ability to think with my own head.
    3.)My room.

    I send many greetings from Slovenia all the way to the U.S.A.

    God bless you

  3. Nalia, φίλος μου,

    I'm very happy to see you return! How are your studies going? Regarding your breathing exercises, be sure to not do any heavy breathing when you are on the phone, without saying anything. :->

    Thank you, for your good wishes regarding my leg. It hurts me,now, as I write these words.

    What did you do in your workshop? You have my curiosity.

    I'm sorry to hear about your friend. :-(

    I love your new avatar. However, now your hair is dark, just after I colored mine green, to match yours!

    Είμαι που επιθυμούν μια μεγάλη εβδομάδα. Ο φίλος σας. (Did I say that right?)


  4. Hi Jasmina,

    Welcome! Glad to see you here. I'm honored to have someone from Slovenia as a guest to this inn of thanks and encouragement.

    Thank God for small miracles, I'd say, regarding your rent. Do you have any idea what's causing your exhaustion? Could it be stress?

    Hey, I'm impressed! I love it when a new guest signs the registry to inn by posting three gratitudes. As the innkeeper of this inn I'm authorized to award you the Attitude of Gratitude Award for this day, Sunday.

    I'm happy to read your appreciation for your parents.

    Thank you for dropping by. I appreciate you brightening this inn with your presence. I hope to see you again.



Thanks for dropping by the inn. I'd love hearing your thoughts. You can send me an e-mail. I'd prefer you leaving a comment. The Innkeeper