
Friday, June 22

Lows and Highs

     Good evening everyone.

How About You? 
       How was your week?  We haven't done the following in a few weeks. It's Friday. How about checking in?  Would it be possible to let me know:
1. What was your low point? What was the worst thing about this week, and why?
     The low point for me was being tired for most of the week.  I was exhausted by the events of last weekend. When my emotions are involved, I get worn down. This is true even if they are good emotions, as they were.  My son's graduation had me at a wonderful high. Celebrating it with him will be a lifetime monumental moment.

       Secondly, and I'm cheating, I had neighbors who have been noisy. They are moving. In the middle of the night they have waken me up, several times this week. This morning at 5:30 a.m. I went over and asked them if they could be quieter. They were. I should have done this sooner. Say---!   Maybe I'm tired because of this issue alone!

2. What was your high point? What did you like best about the past seven days, and why?
     For me, it was seeing my son graduate from college. It's fulfilling seeing a son achieve major milestones. I was proud for him. He put in a lot of work. He went through the grind necessary to achieve his education, despite many distractions and pressures.


  1. Hello Pablo, My high point this week was being invited out and treated to an exciting and scary Sci-Fi film. My low point was hitting the wall of failed communication on my side with a loved one, and needing, in the steely silence that ensued, to humbly own it and reflect on how it happened. It seems sometimes our human failings make us stop, ponder and change, allowing for unexpected growth and a brighter day to shine, once the storm clouds pass. That was my week; dark, threatening storm clouds followed by blessings...

    Here is the Robert Duvall quote; his speech to young Walter from "Secondhand Lions," as promised.

    "Sometimes the things that may or may not be true are the things a man needs to believe in the most. That people are basically good; that honor, courage and virtue mean everything; that power and money, money and power mean nothing; that good always triumphs over evil; and I want you to remember this, that love...true love never dies. You remember that, boy. You remember that. Doesn't matter if it's true or not. You see a man should believe in those things, because those are the things worth believing in."

    If you have the chance, please see the film. You will be grateful you saw it!

  2. Carl,

    Good to see you. My, how poetically you express your plight this week!

    What did you like about the movie? The last movie I saw amazed me with how far films have come. The seamless blending of computer generated graphics and live-action film take motion pictures to places I would not have imagined, ten years ago.

    It's fun getting away from the pressures of the world, temporarily. The flick I saw certainly got my mind off issues that are pressing me. Respite is a good thing. My brain needed it.

    Thanks for the quote from "Second Hand Lions." I'll have to see this film. You piqued my interest in it.

    May you have a wonderful Sunday!


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