
Wednesday, April 25

Looking for Good in Unpleasant Situations

“Gratitude should not be just a reaction to getting what you want, but an all-the-
time gratitude, the kind where you notice the little things and where you constantly 
look for the good, even in unpleasant situations. Start bringing gratitude to your
 experiences, instead of waiting for a positive experience in order to feel grateful.” 
— Marelisa Fábrega
      Good evening everyone,
How was your day? In what way were you grateful for Tuesday? I'm getting
plenty of guests to this inn from Russia. Welcome!
My Gratitudes for Tuesday
1. I met with a friend this morning. The time flew by. We went for a walk along the beach followed by time spent at a sandwich shop.  The conversation was lively. It's fun getting to know someone new. I enjoyed the mutuality we shared and this person's sensitivity. This individual is going through several challenges. I'm thankful I was able to offer support.
2.  Cooking for hours this evening allowed me to slow down and get grounded.  I batched several meals that will last for days. The house smells wonderful.  I'm thankful for food, relaxation and rest.
Fantasizing I Was Steve McQueen
3. Exploring the western part of the island gave me a good workout.
     Altogether, I traveled eighteen miles. I cycled for an hour and a half, with a lot of stop and go riding. Westerly winds that blew at 15 mph gave me a challenge as I chugged along, six miles into the headwinds.
      I scoped out for ways to ride along the western coastline---it's barricaded.  I looked at every inch of the two mile chain-link fence that cuts off this portion of Alameda. I felt like Steve McQueen in the film, The Great Escape, gunning my bike as I looked for a way to get to the other side of the fence.
      Old runways that were used for airplanes, when this island housed a naval base, are visible through the barriers.  I'll find a way to overcome this obstacle, soon.  I love the aliveness I feel when the wind blows in my face and my legs are challenged as I pedal into a strong wind.
       I enjoy the spiritual communion I have when I'm riding alone, traveling through desolate areas. Every breath I feel, every rotation of the bicycle wheels put me in a hypnotic state that I can't achieve when driving a car.  
4.  I had a terrific conversation with my middle son, Micael (yep, that's how you spell it).  We're getting together later this week.  I appreciate his caring nature and the respect we showed for one another.
5.  A blog I hadn't visited in months got my curiosity.
       I regret dropping by; a sad place it has become. The topic matter was tragic.  It was disappointing that many posted there, expressing themselves sophisticatedly, while rationalizing twisted values. Yuck. That place has fallen to new lows.
Looking for Good Even In Bad Experiences
        I'm thankful for discernment. I like fun, humor, joy and laughter. I know how to add these qualities to my life.  And it isn't by visiting blogs like the one I viewed today.
       Just like the caption beneath the photo at the beginning of this post, the innkeeper looks for good even in bad experiences. I'm thankful for Keith's, Syd's and Vanessa's blog. Thank you, for letting your light shine. I'm grateful for many other blogs that also lift the spirits of others and present healthy, positive values.
So, How About You?
1. What three gratitudes do you have for Wednesday?
2. What is the good you are finding in unpleasant situations?
3. I'm facing the challenge of exploring the west side of the island where I live. What is a challenge you're facing?
4. Bicycling has been fun for me, the past few months. What are you doing to allow yourself fun? Please share. We can benefit from one another's ideas.
        If you post, I reply. Guaranteed. I'd like seeing us having discussions on the subjects mentioned here. One way we can have that is through your comments and your reactions to my responses or those of others who post here.
        Thank you for the community you provide when you drop by.  I love hearing your comments more than you will ever know.
        Wishing you a great Wednesday.


  1. My three gratitudes for today are:

    Living in a wonderful town

    My sister

    The beautiful weather here!

  2. Gratitudes are:

    Realizing that by living where I do and teaching environmental awareness I am able to be a drop of fresh water on the parched earth, rather than being a drop in the bucket (if I lived on the green coast).

    Having a roomate who shares her soul with me and lets me share mine.

    Getting a shout-out on Pablo's blog. Feels amazing!

    As for cycling - I would love to do more. I live in the suburbs and it's nothing but concrete and dead ends wherever I go - must remedy this. I do LOVE to dance which I have been doing more of lately. I get this shimmer of electricity pulsing through my body and I want to scream in joy.

    Thanks for leting me shine my light on your inn. And thank you soo much for showering my blog with your deep thoughts.

  3. Keith,

    Good to see you back. What do you like about the town you live in?

    I respect the special relationship you have for your sister. What are some of the qualities in her that you value?

    I'm glad you are enjoying the weather. What has been the temperature? Any humidity?

  4. Vanessa,

    Good hearing from you. What a small world. For years, I taught environmental awareness. The students loved the material, as did I.

    Your blog deserves a shout-out. I like your place and the way your mind thinks. You've inspired me with your posts; I'm challenged to think in new ways. Really.

    Ahhh. Dancing. What a fantastic way to discharge the energy stored in our bodies.

    Thank you for your kind words: it encourages my spirit when I'm appreciated. Thank you for making my day. :)


Thanks for dropping by the inn. I'd love hearing your thoughts. You can send me an e-mail. I'd prefer you leaving a comment. The Innkeeper