
Friday, November 18

Getting Back Some of the Years the Locusts Had Eaten

Water Lilies: Monet
         I just got in. How was your day? I hope it was good.

 1. I spent time with my youngest son tonight. It was good to hear him talk. We don't have many moments together. It's good knowing what's alive within him. I happy for the connection and closeness we shared.  I was happy was able to be  honest with me.
2. I got together with a friend I hadn't seen in 4 years. it was like old times. He wants me to speak at a bookstore he oversees. He wants to promote my books.I was touched that he appreciates my work. The closeness we shared was wonderful.
3. A book I lost in August I replaced yesterday.

     For those who don't know, I suffered a severe tragedy in August. A book that has had a huge influence in my life, I lost, along with seven others that had thousand of hours of notes in them. This one had over 500 additional entries that I had inserted into the index, in addition to the multiple cross-references on each page. I had marginalia going back 15 years, all lost.

     I purchased this valuable tome yesterday. I can't wait to read it this weekend. It's a dear, cherished friend that transformed me and enlarged my happiness. My eagerness to dive into this book is beyond eager.

4. I'm exercising more. This includes riding my bike. I will try to get more in, this weekend. When I do, I sleep more soundly and feel better, emotionally, when I do. Taxing my body also is another way where I get to celebrate life.
5. I finally got compensated I've been waiting for. It was overdue two weeks. I like my well-being taken care of, who doesn't?
6. I've heard from friends that I've written. I delight in connecting with those dear to me. I love the intimacy, mutuality and nurturing we provide for one another. 

  I thank God for his provision and am thankful for abundance.

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