
Tuesday, September 13

Welcome to Our Six Month Anniversary!

    Hello everyone,

This is a special day. Please have a slice of cake, it's on me. Don't worry, it's calorie-free. This inn celebrates being around for six months. It's still a baby, but is it growing!

      Forty-four percent of the guests to this inn dropped by in the last month. That figure is getting larger with each day. In the past 13 days we've had three thousand readers. So, the word is getting out about this place. Thank you for dropping by. Many of you haven't taken a look at the Letting Go post. I believe you'll find it helpful. To read it, click here.

      I've been on the go the past few days. I've been in several cities, working, meeting with clients. I'm still recovering
from moving. It's uprooting, doing so; it will take awhile for me to adjust to the change. I've been getting extra rest while tackling the things that need to be done when a person has moved.

      I have boxes to sort through. I have files to organize; I'm still figuring out where to put things in my new home. Don't get me wrong---I'm glad to live where I do: the city and home is terrific. But, there's still plenty of work to do before this place feels like home. "It takes a heap of living to make a house a home."

      I'm glad that the Attitude of Gratitude Inndex is making it easier for you to browse through the different rooms of this inn and its library. You can find the Inndex to your right; it's divided into 10 separate pages. It uncovers all the posts that have been buried within this blog.

Some Observations as The Innkeeper :

1. Spain and England have been duking in out for second place in terms of readers. For the week, Spain is substantially ahead; for the month, England is a bit in front.
2. Guests from Brazil and India have increased in their numbers, quite a bit so, this past month; they are vying for fourth place among those who rest daily at this inn.
3. The posts,  Making Amends and Being Gentle Towards Self and Handling Stress and an Emotional Bully have been the most popular this week.

    For the month, Still Learning and Handling an Emotional Bully and Creating a Better Today are the most popular, in that order.

My Gratitudes for This Six  Month Anniversary: 

1. Life is good. I'm thankful that I've been sleeping more. I feel better.
2. I'll visit with my oldest son later this week.
3. Being in service as the innkeeper of this place has upped my game. I've had to work on my writing. I'm a public speaker; teacher and counselor; writing is a different animal.
4. I thank God for the strength he provides. It's His strength that allowed me to write 166 posts, since this inn opened it's doors.
5. I'm deeply grateful for each time a person posts a comment here, contributing to the community we share here.
6. I'm humbled by God's love towards me. I am in a loved position with him that is NOT based upon performance. Yaay!
7. Thank God for clarity. I've grown in increasing clarity regarding my profession, my finances, spirituality and my relationships.

8.  I'm thankful for boundaries. They help me to keep the good in and allow me to keep the bad out. They allow me to have healthy relationships and they protect me from those that aren't. Boundaries provide balance in my life.
     Okay, how about you, Silent Readers?  Would it be possible for me to hear your gratitudes? You've heard mine. Sharing yours would meet my need for equality and fellowship. Thanks!

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