
Sunday, September 25

The Serenity Found in Discipline and Order

     Good evening everyone,

It's late, so I'll leave my gratitudes and may write some reflections tomorrow.

1.  I attended an amazing meeting today. It was fabulous. I enjoyed the discussion. It's great being encouraged and experiencing community with nineteen others. It was an uplifting and inspirational time. I definitely enjoy celebrating life.
2. I received a 21 speed bike. It was an unexpected gift, a couple of days ago. I'm thrilled. It will help me to exercise as I get around town using it.
3. My car broke down tonight. It looks like my radiator hose has cracked. Fortunately I was near home when it conked out, the steam spurting from the sides of my hood. My middle son and  I inched home at 10 mph, not wanting to overexert the engine. I'm happy this will be a quick and inexpensive fix. I'll work on it Tuesday.
4. My middle son and I have been together today. We'll spend a few days hanging out. It's always wonderful to connect with others.
5. I prepared for a meeting I chair tomorrow. I prefer order and a relaxed pace---preparing for an event at last minute creates more drama than I care to have. I'm thankful for the effectiveness we experience when we know our priorities and don't get side-tracked by urgent issues that are not a high priority.

 Image: "Scotland: Glen Nevis"  by Tim Blessed © all rights reserved, used by permission

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