
Tuesday, September 20

The Innkeeper Met a New Friend, She Was Completely Undressed at the Time ...................9/20/11

  "Try to bear patiently with the defects and infirmities
   of others, whatever they may be because you also
   have many a fault which others must endure."
  Thomas à Kempis, 1380-1471  (Photographer's caption)
        I just got in from my weekly trip to San Rafael.

        I met with others regarding business and finan-ces. Afterward, I saw a friend a few miles north.  In the bucolic Marin County town of Novato.

        She surprised me.  Totally unexpected it was. We had a nice time. It was fulfilling in more ways than one.

        She had prepared a meal.

      Little did I know that I was about to meet a new friend. Usually, extremely hairy females I'm not drawn to.  With this new friend I was.

      And how.  In this case, there were reasons that drew attention.

      The home was lovely. It was my first time there. Artistic ceramics, paintings and sculptures abounded. Cheerful home photos filled the place with familial love.
      The twenty-some recessed lights in the living room where tastefully implanted into the ceiling.  The expansive deck in the backyard and well groomed lawn was restful to the soul. The study overflowed with books---my kind of place.

     Then I met her;  She surprised me.  She appeared unexpectedly.  I was introduced to Ellie.

      In an instant, I fell in love with her.  She was a naked, green-eyed, raven-haired, limping, fat, dirty, constantly complaining, permanently-wounded-by-a-raccoon, house cat.

     There's a way I silently signal a cat that beckons them to me. She limped directly to where I sat on the couch. A cat with character always moves me to smile.

      By the end of the night, my face ached.

      Ellie's insatiable craving for affection met a stranger who deeply missed a recently deceased cat. The combination made for a happy chubby feline. The massage I gave to my former Russian Blue buddy Alexander, she received.

      She continually meowed her approval. This obese naked lady insisted that I minister to her. She was in kitty heaven; the innkeeper was happy, too.

       My friend who wasn't naked, spoke while she cooked.  We traded stories about relating to others whose perspective makes them gripe and complain as easily as it is for them to breathe. You know by now I enjoy staying in the solution.

        Finding healthy, constructive alternatives to our plight, when immersed with a problem, is better than harping upon them. You know that about me.

       The friend who cooked shared she's gotten feedback at work about her somber disposition.  Her authenticity raised her a few notches in my book. Awareness is usually the hardest work when we improve. Without it, change is impossible.

         It's necessary seeing the problem first before we can change it. My friend's desire for her countenance to match her faith was impressive.
My Gratitudes for Tuesday: 
1. I spent two hours today transforming clutter into order.

     I moved this month. Things were in boxes. It was a relief putting items away, creating more order. I still have plenty to do, but it was wonderful establishing clarity in my home.

2. I had a terrific session with a client. I love the subject matter we discussed----time management. A subject I've taught and train others to develop.
3. I was glad being with others in San Rafael. I'm clarifying my vision regarding work and the finances of my business. There's serenity in doing the numbers. I'm training my inner adult. Not addressing issues financially is not a disease of mathematics, it's a disease of low self-esteem.

       I missed last week's meeting---I was getting my house in order. I was happy to be there tonight.
4.  I delighted in knowing Ellie. The meal was fine, too.
5. I appreciated the unsolicited repast. Thoughtfulness from others are little kisses from God that remind me of His love for me. Better than the meal was eating the fellowship I shared with my human friend.
6. I'm glad that though I got lost on the way to seeing my friend, all was more than well by the end of the night. I'm thankful for persistence; as a result I was fed, had a wonderful conversation and met a new girlfriend: Ellie.

       I'm tired; I'm heading for bed. I'll share more with you tomorrow.
Image: "Scotland: Loch Cluanie"  by Tim Blessed © all rights reserved, used by permission

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