
Wednesday, August 10

"Enjoying Moments of Spontaneity Instead of Living by Fearful Control" Also, I Was Wrong, Yet I Was Still Loved By My Son ..8/10/11

Patience is priceless. Patience can only grow through experiences that test it. So we should treasure the times when our patience
is tried, and not impatiently seek to be rescued prematurely. Make the most of it. Realize that God has a purpose and a plan
that will work out for our best. If we choose the path of patience and trust, we will not regret it (Photographer's caption.)
    Well, here it is, it's a bit after midnight.
I  have written for a few days but, I haven't been gone. You may have noticed there's been tinkering with blog, over the past several days, with the sidebar on the right-----it wasn't elves, it was me. The posts are being listed by category.
Daily, for the past two weeks. I"m letting my latent perfectionism creep in---as I've reviewed each post for this project, I tweaked them, adding links, or used hindsight to improve them. Hey, why not? In the blogosphere, what's been done, CAN be undone, changed. And so has been the case, here.

     I'm glad seeing friends from Malaysia and Canada are back. I have multiple visits from these two countries. Daily, they compete for being the second country with the most views: 531 to 526, so far, with the U.S. in first place with 5,920 views. Today, I'm thankful for additional guests from England, Guernsey, Germany, Spain, Morocco, Brazil and Chile. (Tipping my hat,) Thank you for dropping by! The number of denizens to this inn is growing. You might want to tell your friends about this place. They might enjoy cooling their heels here, too.


"Enjoying moments of spontaneity
Versus living by fearful control"  1.Footnote below

     Today, the day was different, but good. Nowadays, I pretty much go with the flow, letting the day take me where it will. Don't get me wrong---------I've my priorities. But when monkey wrenches are thrown in, I accept them and adapt. The day becomes more adventurous, that way.  Part of having a Spiritual Awakening is enjoying more moments of spontaneity instead of living by fearful or rigid control.

    I arranged my afternoon to meet my son on campus at the university he attends. This was the third date I had with a son, I've three of them, within 9 days. Singing at Armida's, a week ago Sunday with my son who's a musician (Josiah), watching a Giants game with my middle son (last Thursday) and hanging out with my oldest, today, in the afternoon. I can't think of a better investment of time. Do you? I didn't think so.

    After our enthusiastic conversation was done, today,  my son headed for class.  I found out that an appointment today with a client was rescheduled.  So, I worked at where I was, the Student Union. (I always have a satchel of material with me---I can always read when I need to wait, as was the case today, before my son showed up.)  I hung around, studying, with the collegiates who hung out where I was, they prepping for class or spending time on their laptops. It's been twelve years since I've researched in a college setting.  I liked it. I texted my son, while he was in class, that we could enjoy dinner together. It was on. 

     It's encouraging seeing my sons growing into young adulthood. I'm proud of each of them. Today, with my oldest son, we communicated at the DSL level, if you know what I mean. (Not at phone modem speed.) He's a quick learner---using principles on me that I just shared with him, today. And, he was on the mark.  I confessed I was guilty as charged.

      I love it that I can be wrong and admit it, when it's brought to my attention. My worth is not based on what I do. I'm loved simply because of who I am, faults and all.

1.  Paths to Recovery, "Step 12," p. 119
Image: Cumbria: "Derwent Water in Rain"  by Tim Blessed © all rights reserved, used by permission


  1. Good Morning! Thanks for your blog posts! I have been gone for over a month now, returning after a series of shows. I am reading through your posts, in order to gain some perspective on how to deal with a dear friends emotional issues in their lives.
    Today, my gratitudes are:

    God's love for me that gives me the ability to love others.

    Strength in the time of stress.

    Peace through troubles times.

    Simple thing to enjoy...sunsets, cool breezes, fluffy clouds, flowers to stop and smell, love of my family, and friends, and a great cup of coffee! and a fun music app on my phone! simple things, but I am always grateful!

  2. Good evening, to you, my dear!

    Cindy, how terrific to hear from you. I missed you. Keep coming back! Pray tell, what are the emotional issues your friends are dealing with; I'd be happy to help, if I can.

    I love your gratitudes; I'm in agreement with them. Apart from Him, I'd be incapable of loving others as I do.

    We can do all things because of Him, who give us strength. I agree with you there, too. Isaiah 26:3, re: your last gratitude.

    How's your little munchkin doing? How old is he, now?

    I absolute love your gratitudes for this day. You and Barbara---see above, made my day: 10 gratitudes from you and three from her. Life doesn't get better than that! Thank you.

    A happy innkeeper

  3. Well, I hardly know where to start! It's been a big he said she said and a lot of hurt in between. My friend Sue's son married a young gal about 7 years ago. His wife seems to be very controlling of his life and thier young son. She has very strict rules about when and where her law's can visit, babysit, rules for nap times, play times meal times.... I don't even have the time to write the list. I know all that sounds a little silly,and Sue should probably just go along with it. But when her rules aren't followed to the T, verbal abuse happens via letters, phone calls etc, telling them how bad of in-law's they are and parents to her husband and grandparents to her son. Hurt upon hurt... finally a letter was sent to Sue stating that they couldn't see their grandson until they were ready to apologize. Well, sue and her husband did apologize (really not sure what they really were apologizing for) but their son and daughter in law wouldn't accept it. Now they are banned from calling, writing, text messages or visiting until they are truly sorry. A lot of prayers have been prayed on this families behalf, but the tension remains. no one can admit wrong, or even define what went wrong.

    today, as I write this, I as so blessed to have the unconditional love of my family and friends. I am blessed to mentor a young mother as she seeks to know God.
    I am blessed to be able to bake some wonderful sour dough bread (I must admit, it rivals SF sourdough! (sorry about that last comment!:-)
    The cooler weather has been such a relief from the scortching heat. I could open up my windows and let the cool breezes blow in! I am thankful to fall asleep last night with the sound of crickets singing their night time song outside my window, and wake to the sound of the birds chirping outside my window.

    I am enjoying my time as a grandmother! My oldest grand daughter is now 2 1/2 and my youngest 4 mos.,,,sigh... it's just wonderful! I am spending the day with them tomorrow. Girl time, yeah! I'll have plenty of kisses and giggles showered on me!
    I am so thankful that my garden that I planted last summer has rewarded my hard work with an assortment of beautiful blooms, humming birds, and butterflies!

    Do write more of your life with your boys, baseball and life on the bay. It's always so interesting!
    Take Care my dear friend!

  4. Dear Cindy,

    Great to see you back! I'll reply to your comments, in a post, dedicated to the issues you mention here.

    I'm happy hearing the delightful times you share with your grandchildren. Did you know that insanity is inherited? You get it from your kids! :->

    In the meantime, check out the sidebar, on the right. Especially notice the boxes related to Nonviolent Communication, Dealing With Difficult People, and posts listed within the box entitled:"Stress." The following may also help your friends as they relate to their daughter-in-law. You may have to cut and paste this in the address bar of your computer. I don't know how to post a link in comment. (Kelly, please help, I forgot!)

    Much love, and you'll see a post I'll dedicate to the issues you relate here. Happy to talk with my Hoosier friend. (Phyllis, my other dear Hoosier buddy, I look forward to hearing from you, too, soon, please.)

    The guy from the Left Coast,


Thanks for dropping by the inn. I'd love hearing your thoughts. You can send me an e-mail. I'd prefer you leaving a comment. The Innkeeper