
Saturday, December 31

The Power of Prayer

My Gratitudes for This Evening

1. This upcoming year will be my best ever, in all areas. Spiritually, mentally, physically, relationally, and financially.
2. I'm thankful for God's deep love for me and his gracious patience towards me.
3.For God's provision. Neither my job nor my paycheck are my provision: God is.
4. John, Ann, Anne, Lisa and Kevin were supportive towards me today. Thank you. You don't know how much iyour thoughtfulness and kindness mean to me!
5. I'm always happy when others post their comments. That happened today.
6. I will be with some dear friends tomorrow morning---I can't wait!
7. I'm happy to have developed new friends this week.
8. I was able to express my views three times this week, publicly, before several others. I enjoy doing so. It was fun.
9. I'm thankful for each of you who drop by.
10. I'm thankful for growing discernment. It's helping me to distinguish between friends and acquaintances, between who are the safe people in my life and those who aren't
11. I'm thankful for my life, my sons, and my relationship with God.
12. I'm grateful for books---I'd die without them.

The Power of Prayer

       I value the power of prayer. It calms me, it allows me to release to God the areas in my life that are overwhelming and it allows me to connect with the ineffable aspects of life. I am as strong spiritually as I am in my prayer.
       Key to prayer is shutting up. I need to be still, allowing God to speak to me as my soul is freed the distractions of life. When I'm busy with activity, I'm unable to hear His Voice, when He reaches out to me. 

   "Be still and know I am God" 
               Psalms 46:10 

More Goals for The New Year

         Good evening, one and all. A Happy New Year to You!
A busy day was had today. It was fun connecting with several friends in the morning.  Later, time with two clients kept me busy. In the afternoon I was on the phone, getting unexpected, but welcomed support from others. It's been awhile since that has happened.
      In yesterday's post, I mentioned I want to meet with my editor more often. Tonight, I'm sharing additional things I want to focus on, starting tomorrow.
      Before I do, I want to put it out there that I value your support and prayers. Yes, I do. Yep, your prayers. Yes, you, who drop by this inn. So, if you would say a few for the innkeeper, I'd be even more grateful than I am. 

Important areas of focus, at least for me:
1. Spending more time with God. It contributes to my well-being.
2. Exercising regularly. Maintaining my health affects all other areas in my life.
3. Invest time in pursuing a hobby. I know balance is important. It will be an additional way of decompressing from life's demands.
4. Get a new mentor. I realize my limitations and
5. Do a thorough inventory of my life.
6. I need to find and work with attorneys who will help me in several areas. I'm facing some deadlines and need to act soon.

Friday, December 30

Looking Forward

     How is everyone? 
The New Year is about to start soon. The promise of new beginnings inspires most hearts and gives hope to our souls. 
    I got a jump on year 2012. Exercising and resting regularly this week was one way of getting myself revved up for a good and grateful year. There are several things on my checklist of goals for this

Thursday, December 29

Not Sure Yet As to What I'm Doing For New Year's Eve

     Good evening,

Did you read yesterday's post? You might want to take a look at it again. I re-worked it. How was your day? Today, I was in a pretty good mood.

My Gratitudes for Thursday:

1. I sought and received support from a friend. I needed to sort through how I want to respond to what I wrote yesterday about what happened last night. I appreciate having a community that 's there for me, when I need perspective beyond mine.
2. I exercised today. I'll sleep well tonight.
3. I'm seeing how this weekend will eventuate. I have my preferences. We'll see. I'll keep you posted.
4. Talked with my friend Eric Shifrin. He's a phenomenal pianist. I'm thinking of seeing him for New Year's Eve. As a musician, I empathize with what Eric goes through in order to exercise his craft. I'm thankful for the fellowship we shared today.

Good night, I'll visit with you tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 28

Drinking Rest Like a Camel, Stung by a Queenship Seeking Bee, an Enjoyable Conversation with a Lovely Lass and The Benefits of Emotional Armor

I drank in my rest like these guys, when they go for water.

Today, I continued recuperating from the holidays.  Two down, one  more this weekend. I'm drinking rest like a camel downs water.  Quite a few visitors  dropped by the inn today----over seven hundred sallied through its door.

      The evening was interesting, disappointing and fantastic.  How's that?  Well, here's what made it that way.

Tuesday, December 27

Taking a Breather

      Hello there,

The innkeeper is back from the holiday. I hope you had a terrific Christmas Sunday with family and friends.   My sons and I celebrated the day for ten plus hours. We wrapped up the night seeing the new "Mission Impossible" movie.

       Remembering  to take deep breaths when the holidays roll around is something I need to do. Yesterday there was house cleaning--before and after all the festivities,  a Christmas dinner to prepare (with plenty of dishes to wash afterwards) and a home to spruce up for the day. On top of that, I played the guitar, sang with my sons Christmas carols and we read Christmas stories as a family.

      Over the weekend, I wrote two Christmas stories to share with you, who visit this inn. Did you get a chance to read them? Here's one.  and here's the other. The second is about the influence one person can have. 

    "Tired" inadequately defines how I felt today. But that doesn't mean I'm not happy.  I am. Christmas seems like yesterday, even though technically it's early Tuesday morning.

      Thanks for dropping by over the weekend, we had more than 1,600 visitors. Some of you may not know this blog is just a baby. It's only been around 9 months.

 1. I took a nap this evening. Good for me. I responded to my body's needs when I'm in H.A.L.T.
2. I'm thankful for preparing the Christmas meal in advance, on Friday. It made Sunday more bearable. I enjoyed the fruits of  exercising discipline and order.
3. I thankful for this inn. There are more than 2,000 gratitudes I've expressed here. Research shows that those who are optimistic and grateful live longer, are happier and have better health, in addition it reduces the likelihood of dementia. I'm all for that!

   As I mention in the description of the blog above, underneath my header,  I ask if  the visitors of this inn can share three things for which they are grateful.  What are yours? I've shared mine. Your gratitudes would meet my need for mutuality and community.

Saturday, December 24

My Second Favorite Christmas Story ................ 12/24/11

      Please gather round the fireplace that warms this inn.  You’ve been frazzled by the siren call of Madison Avenue, QVC, the Home Shopping Network, Radio Shack and Macy commercials.  You’ve been overwhelmed

Friday, December 23

My Third Favorite Christmas Season Story ........... 12/23/11

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget
that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but
 to live by them.”       John F. Kennedy       
      The following is my re-telling of events, based on research and an account given by Fritz Vincken, the young eleven year old son mentioned in the story.  For more about him, read here

       In December 1944, the Battle of the Bulge was fought in sub-freezing weather.  The American and British troops were defeating a Ger-man force twice their number. This engagement lasted from December 16th until January 25th, 1945.  A cook for the Nazi Army left his wife and young son in a shack in the Ardennes Forest near the German-Belgium border, seemingly distant from danger
      The poor weather---snow, bitter cold and impenetrable fog----grounded Allied aircraft and greatly aided the German advance.  That Christmas Eve, soldiers on both sides became lost.  Many looked for a place to bed down until morning, when they would resume their search for their unit. 

       The following story happened sixty-seven years ago........

      Three American soldiers stumbled upon an occupied shack.  Light emanated from the cottage windows, smoke pouring from the chimney.  It offered a chance to warm their frost-bit, combat-weary bodies.

        Upon its door, they knocked. 

       A mother and a young boy responded.  Using sign language, the soldiers asked to enter.  The German woman was preparing a meal, using a scrawny chicken.   She beckoned the men in, offering her simple Christmas meal.

       One soldier was wounded, shot during a fire-fight earlier that day.  The woman, using rags, stopped his bleeding.  He laid upon the living room couch.  The language barrier was broken when the men learned the lady spoke French, a language that a G.I. from Louisiana knew. 

      The Americans unloaded their forty-five to sixty pound packs.  The evening provided a rare chance to stretch-out.  Spend-ing the night in some-thing bigger and warmer than a foxhole was a welcomed treat, especially in this weather.  

       The heat from the hearth, was an appreciated, an unexpected early Christmas gift.   Little did they know the room would experience warmth of another kind, soon.

      More than an hour passed when a rap upon the weather-worn door startled the little family and American visitors.  The men grabbed their weapons.  The woman answered the door.  

      Four German soldiers were lost.  "Was shelter available?" they asked the lady.  "Yes, come in for Christmas dinner, but I have other guests," she answered. 

       One German soldier remarked, "Americana?"  She said, "Yes. This is Christmas.  There'll be no killing tonight, not in my home."  She ordered the Germans to leave their weapons outside, before entering.  Those from the United States were instructed to do the same.

       The combatants stood together, men who earlier that day, sought to kill one another.  The little boy heard his heart banging loudly.  He pulled on his winter jacket.   

        He didn't want everyone else hearing the emotional percussion, too. 

        For what seemed eternity---ten minutes---the room strained under the uncomfortable silence. The men warily eyed each other.  Eventually, Ameri-can cigarettes were offered to the Europeans.

       The Germans wel-comed them, provisions being scarce.  A German soldier with medical train-ing inspected the wounded American.  Finding usable items within the home, he tended to the injured G.I. 

        Preparations for the Christmas dinner were completed.  The food was meager-----what was meant for the woman and her son was stretched to serve seven last-minute guests.  A bag of stored potatoes provided a hearty soup.  Before eating, the woman of the cabin spoke. 

        This woman declared war was wrong.  She recounted the Christmas Story, speaking of the hope it offered.  The host spoke in German to the European visitors and in French to the Americans.

        The soldiers, including the tough German sergeant, were moved.  The eyes of few of these battle-hardened men swam.  They recalled stories told to them during Christmas, when they were little, in warmed childhood homes.  

        While gnawing at the stringy chicken, the uneasiness the men had towards each other transformed into warmth. 

        After the meal, the Nazi soldiers sang Silent Night, a song of German origin.  Afterwards, two of the Germans sang  the verses in English, along with the Americans.

        Fed and satisfied with their first home-cooked meal in months, the men slept in the cramped quarters of the alpine cottage.  In the morning, the Ger-mans made a stretcher for the wounded American.   A compass and directions were given to the Americans.  The Germans took the lady and boy back to the German lines, reuniting her with her husband.

        For one night, during a horrific battle, God's peace dwelt within nine who spent the night in a tiny cabin.  Even in the worst possible situation, God dwelt among them. 

        Two thousand years ago, a young pregnant woman and her husband were not admitted to a crowded inn, in Bethlehem.  No room for the Christ child.  Today, this slight can be corrected. 

         He can be welcomed into the inn of our hearts.  Invite Him, if you haven't.  You'll discover the greatest Christmas gift ever----eternal life.

        The Peace in Bethlehem came to nine persons in a middle of the Battle of the Bulge in war-torn Europe.  Experiencing God's love and peace is just as available today, to hearts torn with despair or pain.

         I ask God to show me, how I can demonstrate character like the mother in this story.  Being an instrument of His peace, is my desire.  The world desperately needs to know hope, freedom from fear, gratitude and peace.

        May you have a great and gratefuChristmas!

Tuesday, December 20

Serenity: Tackling (Only) Today's Troubles

Image: "Countryside: Buttercups and Daisies by Tim Blessed. All rights reserved, used by permission

         Hello everyone, 
I hope this entry in the inn's registry finds you rested and well. If not, I wish you have time to decompress. 
      Life is good. There are issues I face in the upcoming year.  From a distance, they could appear, like dark clouds of an impending storm. Fortunately, I'm not alone as I handle them. I know many of them are actually celestial mirages of hurricanes of despair.  Life is simpler and more serene, when we just tackle today's troubles, not focusing on tomorrow's problems or yesterday's grief.
     The best part is that, with many of my concerns, I needn't worry. Concerns about loved ones I leave in God's care.  Over the past eight years, I've learned to retire my cape. The tights were getting a little snug, anyway. The best I can offer friends and loved ones are my love, empathy, experience, strength, hope and getting out of their way.
     My personal challenges are lightened, too, when I avail myself to God's help and support from close friends.  

1.  I rested today. I slept in.
2.  I caught up on correspondence, the old fashioned way.  I used pen, paper, stamp and envelope.  I know it's quaint, doing so. Along with its quaintness is greater warmth, and a personal touch. 
3.  The inn had six hundred and eighty-seven guests today. Thanks for dropping by!  I love it when you leave your gratitudes. Please do.
4.  My team won today, on Monday Night Football. I made time to watch the game by rearranging my schedule.
5. I'll spend time with my youngest son tomorrow evening. We'll be making gifts.
     I'll talk with you more, soon. I'm tired and heading for bed.  You've heard my gratitudes. Would it be possible for me to hear yours?

Monday, December 19

Intensity Defined: Engaged In a Suicidal Drama 12/19/11

“I find that the more willing I am to be grateful for the small things in life, the bigger stuff just seems to show up from unexpected
sources, and I am constantly looking forward to each day with all the surprises that keep coming my way!” 
Louise L. Hay
         In yesterday's post, too tired, I was. I went to bed shortly after getting home from work. Emotionally drained, I was exhausted and unable to share the following story. I'm feeling better now, so here it is. (By the way, this morning I elaborated on Sunday's gratitudes. You might want to check them out.)

        Last night, I had a successful but dramatic session with a client. I welcome challenges provided by my job, but some exhaust me more than others. Yesterday, that happened. However, I'm thankful for occasions when I make my life count.
        Upon entering my office, the client calmly told me he was thisclose to being suicidal.  Working in a psychiatric hospital for nine years allows me to respond calmly, to stay present. Avoiding emotional reactions to the what ifs and could be's in an emergency. 
       The client and I looked at alternatives. It helped him overcome the despairing and startling outlook that he had.
        Our time was effective, thank God.  I'll still have him check in with me, this week. He was advised to call 911 and ask for help if he feels this way again and can't find support.
        Today, looking back at this session,  I'm mindful of the following words. I first quoted them in the post: "Hope for Dark Times."
In the face of seemingly impossible problems, it's easy to believe that our most negative thoughts reflect the truth. They plead the worst case scenario in a very convincing way, until it almost seems frivolous to consider a positive outcome. Yet the loudest voice is not necessarily the truest. 
No matter how insistent a feeling may be, it is just a feeling, not a prophecy. We don't get to know today what will happen tomorrow.  Counting on any particular outcome can lead to disappointment, but sometimes it helps to remember that a positive outcome is just a likely as a negative one. 
We are powerless over the results of our actions.  We can  try to make wise choices today, but what will happen in  the future is out of our hands.  Since we can't know what to expect, why not trust that God can use whatever happens to further our growth. Today, I will place the future in God's hands.  I trust that by turning it over, it can be used for my good. 
                  Courage to Change, p260
'This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it.'
                                                       Ralph Waldo Emerson
       I hope these quotes lifts the spirits of those burdened with troubles and anxieties.  May the thoughts expressed here allow you to have an Attitude of Gratitude.  Let me know what you think.

Sunday, December 18


My  Gratitudes for Sunday:

1. I exercised. I know I'll sleep well because of it and because the excitement that transpired in tonight's session with a client.
     In the early afternoon I walked for an hour along the shoreline of Alameda. I liked the solitude. Strolling, viewing birds, yachts, sailboats, trees and multiple fountains restored my soul, allowing me to decompress. I wasn't aware how important doing so would be for me, it prepared me for this evening. More details about that in tomorrow's post.
2. I reached out to many, making  several calls this weekend. Experiencing community is essential for my sanity and serenity. My perspective is limited, I grow when I learn from others.
3. I wrote a letter to a friend. I'm thankful for the discipline exercised, during this week that can be stressful, especially time-wise.  I  made the time.
4. I resisted temptation and came home early, after working tonight. I took care of my physical welfare---I'm not over-exerting my body.  I'm happy I used common sense, especially after tonight's demanding session with a fragile client.
5. I'm going to bed early. Ya ay! Rest is necessary for me to be mentally sharp and spiritually refreshed.This is quite a change for me, when my nature is to push myself.
6. I'm thankful for each of you who drop by!  Please let me know your gratitudes---it's good getting to know you.
7. This is the week where we celebrate perhaps the greatest event in history---the birth of Christ.  I'm thankful for the peace, hope, strength and forgiveness Christ offers to all who yield to his message.

Saturday, December 17

Knowing My Priorities, Freeing up My Time, Taking Care of Self


The innkeeper was not able to enter the inn until Sunday afternoon. When I did,  my computer crashed, erasing what I wrote. Ugh!  It's frustrating when this happens and it has happened three times with this post. But, if this is my biggest problem, life is treating me well, I'm a fortunate man.

       When I come home from work, I sometimes take a tunnel in Oakland that scoots under the bay waters, bringing me to the island city of Alameda. If I'm returning from the North, I make a sharp right turn into the cavern.  Last week my eye spied upon a sad sight, while doing so.

      On the left side of the road, while making the hairpin turn, a long horizontal banner screamed at the corner of my eye.  It thanked vehicular passersby for "Your random acts of kindness."  Behind it, lay an encampment for several homeless people who bum by the nearby signal lights.  For a second-and-a-half, I viewed the grimy mattresses and other accoutrements of those living underneath a low hanging overpass that speeds drivers on southward, towards San Jose.

     Sometimes we think we have it rough. Those living in that make-shift camp, sleeping among the ice plants, sharing the dirt and filth with rodents, have it worse. Life is all about perspective.

My Gratitudes for Saturday: 

1. I finished a term of community service. I have other pressing matters that need my attention. I thankful for the time that can now be applied elsewhere.
2. I saw someone this week that has caused grief the past few years;  I haven't seen this person since August. I'm glad that I was able to keep my equanimity, even though our paths crossed. I'm glad that I don't allow others to determine my moods.
3. Today,  I had lunch with a friend that I've known but with whom I never shared a meal. She asked me to join her.  I enjoyed our time together.
4. I attended a business meeting Saturday morning. Afterwards several people told me they missed me. I've been keeping a lower profile the last two-and-a-half months. I've been focusing on other projects. It's nice knowing that others appreciate what I contribute, when I'm with them, be it a meeting, a community event or some form of service I offer.
5. I'm ending a mentoring relationship with two people. We get what we tolerate.

       It's time for me to move on. These individuals aren't making the effort necessary for their growth. I'm happy helping others---it's just that their concern about their growth has to be greater than my desire to help them. This has not been the case.
6. I'm thankful for the additional time I'll be having as I've trimmed the level of my commitments and public service.  It's all a result of making first things first.

Wednesday, December 14

Overcoming Disappointment, Looking at My Options .....................12/14/11

Time is: too slow for those who wait; too swift for those who fear; too long for those who grieve; too short for those who rejoice; but for those who love...time is eternity!  Jean-Pierre de Crussade  Image: "Lakeside Shoreline" by Tim Blessed. Copyrighted photo.
     Good evening,

Dealing with disappointment I'll get to, in a minute, after sharing my gratitudes. But, first, how goes it, for you?  I just got home after spending the evening with friends. 'Tis great, being in an environment of acceptance, affection and appreciation.

My Gratitudes for Tonight: 

1. A session with a client today went well. It's satisfying when that happens, it's a gift of positivity. We discussed resentment, and it's antidote, great topics.

2. I received gifts today. Totally unexpected. Gosh. I'm touched when showered with gratitude from others. I'm humbled by the enveloping love of God when it becomes palpable.

3. I met with someone. It was a rich time: in-depth, genuine conversations with good friends can't be beat. Such moments nurture and strengthen me for the vicissitudes of life.

4. I visited with a son tonight.

       It's inspiring, seeing his discernment grow. He's coming into his own, his values are deepening. He admitted that years ago, while a teen, his values weren't the best. Wasn't that true for all of us?

       I know it was for me. Don't get me wrong. He was a wonderful son, then.  However, it's heartening hearing him look at his past, admitting improvements he needed to make regarding them. Wow.

       I was quiet as he opened up. Getting out of the way, when God is at work within another, seemed the best response. I'm glad he was comfortable opening up. I'm a fortunate man.

  Handling Disappointment, Sanely

     Today, with a group of people, we discussed disappointment. The tenor of the conversation was whining in nature; several spoke of the let downs they encountered. I shared what I do. I said I enjoy more tranquility and sanity, staying in the solution, even when enduring negative moments with others.  I mentioned the adage: 
"An expectation is a resentment waiting to happen."
     When let I'm let down, I shared it's my responsibility dealing with it.  I don't wag my finger at the source of my ire, telling him, "if you don't change, I'm going to be angry, resentful, hurt, etc."  Doing that surrenders my happiness over to that individual. It's now contingent upon their behavior, what they do next.

        The problem is that they may not have the consciousness to handle the issue, nor the ability.  No, I deal with with what troubles me.  It's MY responsibility. Yep, mine.  I look at the options that allow me to meet my needs.

         Pursuing my needs in this way provides me with some semblance of order.  I do have some control over what I choose. Even here, however, I look to God for guidance.

          I'm not God. I don't have control over others, or their choices, even when they irk me.  I wouldn't want to.  I have enough difficulty making my life manageable, as it is.

How About You? 
What helps you to deal with disappointment?

Sunday, December 11

Slowing Down, Getting Our Bearings ...12/11/11

“Two kinds of gratitude: The sudden kind we feel for what we take; the larger kind we feel for what we give.”
Edwin Arlington Robinson
         Good evening everyone,
Welcome to the visitors of this inn. Thank you, for dropping by. 
      It's almost Monday: it's a bit before midnight, over here, on the Left Coast of America. I'm slipping in my Sunday gratitudes while I can. The weather is nippy. It's been raining off and on tonight. I need to bring in my bicycle. But first, my gratitudes.
1.  Unexpectedly, I spent today with a son; he needed help.
    I supported him as he took steps

Saturday, December 10

Enjoying Special Moments, Especially During a Frazzling Season.................. ....................12/10/11

I waving at you. I know you can't see me, I'm standing underneath the rocket.
      How is everyone?
How was your week? Did you make time to invest in yourself? During this Christmas season, it's important to do something for

Wednesday, December 7

Contentment Is An Inside Job 12/7/11

Image: "Sunrise" by Tim Blessed. Copyrighted material. Used by permission
      Good evening!
Did you have a good day? Mine was pretty good.  I enjoy the community we share when I hear from you. What has you grateful?  I'm sometimes hesitant about the focus placed upon happiness.

      Usually it's based upon external details---having enough money, a relationship, the right job, friends, education or owning the ideal house, things, you name it. Media and Madison Ave. want us to believe this falsehood. 

      But, it's not true. Life if full of people with plenty, and they are depressed, unhappy.  Look at today's celebrities, for example. Demi Moore just ditched her husband two weeks ago and she's already in a relationship with another.  Her soon to be ex-husband was no better.  Together, they are worth over 280 million. Yet, that wasn't enough, he sowed his oats with a young girl. Too bad. It looks like he was hurting, emotionally and spiritually.

      Give me contentment, any day.  It is something I can have at all times.  Even in difficult circumstances I can enjoy it.  Tough times help me grow; trials intensify the need for reliance on God. It deepens my relationship with Him.  Contentment is an inside job.

      The same is true with loneliness. Recently, in a class I taught there was the question about us being lonely.  Honestly, the last time I felt lonely were a few times, in my teens, many years ago.  I've been alone, but not lonely.

      I found we are lonely when we cease to be at peace with ourselves. I'm with people all the time, by the nature of my work. Being alone is a wonderful tonic for me.

      Alone time allows me to study, pray, reflect, meditate, ruminate, exercise (when I run, walk or use the gym.).  Alone time allows me to invest in myself.  Without it, I run in the red: my emotional, spiritual and mental bank accounts become bankrupt---I'm giving, but not nurturing yours truly. 

       Alone time is not about isolating. Nope. I'm mindful of an old proverb that tells me that he who separates himself from others goes against all sound wisdom.  Once recharged, I'm out in the world, using my gifts to benefit others and provide for my needs.  Also:
 9 Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. 10 For if [a]either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not [b]another to lift him up. 11 Furthermore, if two lie down together they [c]keep warm, but how can one be warm alone? 12 And if [d]one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart.                               Ecclesiastes, chapter 4
My Gratitudes for Today: 
1.  I'm thankful for friends. I have friends I've known for decades.

     I keep my friends, although I had to let go of one friend recently. I didn't like how he tried to tell me what my moods were and define who I was, another form of judging.  I had enough of that as a child and young adult.

2. I'm thrilled when spending time with my sons. 

    I'm proud of their efforts. They are coming to their own standing in the world. Hearing their reports, about their struggles, victories and growth as they pursue their goals, makes me a happy dad. 

    My role with them at this stage in their life is being their cheerleader, letting them know how much I am proud of them.  I support them every time I can.
3.  I'm thankful my computer crashed, causing me to lose much of what I wrote for this post.  Not because that happened. No. 

     Blogger didn't save what I wrote, and it was extensive.  I'm not happy about what happened; but I'm thankful that the crash allows me to practice patience.  I asked myself, "How important is it, to get upset about what happened?"  Not much, in the scheme of things. There are bigger problems to tend to.

4. I mindful of God's provision.  My job is not my source of provision.  God is. My paychecks are not my source of provision. He is.

     I save myself from a lot of worries when keeping the right perspective.  I do the best I can.  I try living a balanced life.  I ongoingly inventory areas where I want to grow.  I use the resources of mentors, literature, valued, faithful friends and family to help me get there.  

     And I pray and dream a lot.  It's great knowing that I don't have to go through struggles of this life alone.  I look forward to---not fear---tomorrow's sunrise.

     Please let me know your thoughts,

Monday, December 5

Being Gentle Towards Ourselves and Others ........................12/5/11

I'll have you note that there's no human blood or skin tissue on these boots.
    Good evening everyone,

I'm re-posting what follows. I originally placed it in this inn on April 12th.  Nope, I'm not cheating. I simply believe

Sunday, December 4

Reducing Clutter

Image: "Countryside: Rainy Day Tree" by Tim Blessed. All rights reserved. Copyrighted photo. Used by permission.
    Good evening everyone,

Isn't that a beautiful picture? I'm bushed, tired. How are you? I got rest, but I'm still tired. I'll take some steps to remedy this problem. I'm heading for bed in a minute, after posting my gratitudes. Check in, please. I like hearing your gratitudes.

      I still experience problems getting into this inn. Geez!

1. I've been reducing clutter. Ya ay!  I still have

Friday, December 2

      Good evening everyone,

How was your day? I'm loving being with my family, my sons. This day was dedicated to my middle son. In the middle of the package, that was today, was time with my friend Stuart, who joined us. He's practically an uncle to the three young men who make up my family.

1. I'm getting more organized. My son, Stuart and I purchased finished shelves in the mill works area of Home Depot. I grateful making use of unused space in my home.
2. I got lost today, trying to get to the store.

    I'm learning my way around where I live. It was wonderful seeing how I responded to a moment that in the past would have been frustrating. I'm delighted that I'm easier on myself.

     I'm learning not to let things get to me. Asking myself, "how important is it?" Is a wonderful tonic when facing would could be stressful moments..

3. We received excellent service at Home Depot. Eight people served us, several times, they operated as a group, truly caring about the service we received.
4. My son and I had mega time together.
5. I got my phone. I haven't had it for a week. I left it in a theater, one of those holders for drinks. Someone picked it up for me. I didn't get it from him until today. I'm thankful for the peace and quiet I had for one week. I'm happy that I'm not tethered to it. It is my servant, I am not its.

   Good night,