
Thursday, September 29

Happiness: Where I Choose to Focus

     Tonight was unusual. I was with people that I did not like being with. How's that for honesty? Someone who offended me a few months ago showed up. Also, two others were there that I did not feel comfortable being with.  To make things worse, the focus was on two personalities in the crowd, not principles, making it hard for me to stomach the occasion.

Wednesday, September 28

Moving Forward ...9/28/11

Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and
realise that they were in fact the big things.   (Robert Brault)
     Good evening,

 I'm tired.I'll share my gratitudes and then hit the hay.

My Gratitudes for Tuesday:

1.  I had a slower day. Thank you, God, for rest. Rest allows my body and mind to be restored, when that happens, inspiration follows.
2. I went to a business meeting tonight.  It's great being encouraged by others. I'm learning plenty that helps me run my business solvently, with clarity, dignity and ease.

3. After the evening meeting broke up, I spoke with someone I really didn't know. She shared how several routine medical needs could be met inexpensively. Her enthusiasm when she talked bolstered my spirits.

     I was tired: moving to a new home has taken some steam out of me. Unpacking boxes, getting things in order, on top of a busy work schedule is taxing. Steps I'm taking as a result of a business conference, and working on a book also demand time. This woman's joyful positivity buoyed me my weary ears and mind.

               I always love being with others who

Tuesday, September 27

Reassuring a Little Girl

     I'm bumping this post up. Some of you may have missed it earlier. The following story meets my need for affection, closeness, empathy, nurturing, support and warmth. I trust you're enjoying a lovely day. I am. You've my prayers. 

Originally posted 7/24/11
       Dear denizens of the Attitude of Gratitude Inn,
This story was forwarded to me this weekend. On the off chance that you haven't read this story, which is attributed as true, I share it with you. I especially relate to it.  A cat dear to me is dying: Alexander the Gray. He's an intelligent, spiritual, silvery-tipped, Russian Blue. Alexander has been getting subcutaneous fluids for over two years, due to renal failure.His medications now make him wobbly. His gig is almost up.

       The other day, when I dropped by, he got between me and the laptop I was using while waiting for my friend, who lives at Alex's house.  His big eyes stared into mine, quietly---but persistently---they plead for affection. I'm a sucker when gently entreated.